Being a Shar Cleric also doesn't work too well or being DU as L didn't rewrite any of the dialog to account for his memory loss, so you get to claim your from baldur's gate and other things you don't know due to the memory loss.

The Custom Character is a sidekick character, the real characters in the game is the origin characters. This was a problem in EA too, when we couldn't play anything but custom, I thought DU with a custom class/race was the solution, but no they just did the work to add the story of the DU on top of a standard custom character dialogs. I'm still mad that I can confess my dark urges and admit to murder, but my next dialog with the companions is to say I didn't do it, that is so messed up.

And I'm mentally stuck in game due to Gale being made to be main character in Chapter II, to the point I kill Gale after the dialog. He is not even part of my adventuring team, I just tolerate him in camp due to him being to dangerous to not be under my control. Killed the messenger too.

So let's just play origin character, EXCEPT when you do you lose most of the dialog the character says when you lead with origin avatars.. You are ACTIVELY losing out on story by playing an origin character or using a origin character as party face.

I'm waiting for people to analyze character backgrounds an make a guide on them, so I can make a character with a history that don't involve being from BG and I can just play as party face and sidekick to everyone's important story.