Originally Posted by Blook88
hi everyone. im glad that this topic gets this attention. i hope it wont take long til some youtubers notices this topic.

anyways, i have one question: does someone know what exactly got "fixed" in yesterdays hotfix regarding karlach? did we get a ending slide show for her or something similar? the answers would decide if i finish my run or abandon it and deinstall it.

Unfortunately no, these are "cosmetic changes." The further fate of the characters is still unknown, of course, except for Karlach, who, as we know, regardless of the choice, is condemned to something she doesn't deserve.

Originally Posted by Kimba
You know what's worse than playing a bad game ? Playing an incredible game with a so lazy end. I mean this game could be easily game of this decade with only 1 quest step, 3 dialogues scene, and maybe one or 2 more cinematics. But no they wanted to have a frustrating character.

Exactly, I played through the whole game with bated breath, reaching the ending, I couldn't wait to see how things would unfold further. Not only do we not really find out anything, but also the best companion has a messed up situation.

Originally Posted by Kimba
I mean it's an RPG in a Fantasy World, where almost everything you can imagine is possible. Karlach is one of, if no, the most "human" character, with one of the easiest issue of all the crew. She doesn't have to face a cult, an army, a entire race, the rage of the god, or the worst curse that ever exists... nah she just have to find some good blacksmith, 2 or 3 components, and that's it.
So how in the whole story you can justify that there's no better way out for Karlach that going back to Avernus ? Why if I do everything correct compared to the rules of the world that govern BG3, I cannot have a happy/good/romance ending for Karlach ?

And that's precisely the problem. Karlach is a character with whom it's easiest to identify. She simply wants to live, without needing power, money, or recognition, and as a reward for that, she gets the worst fate of them all. That's why this topic emerged, because the character doesn't deserve that.

Originally Posted by Kimba
As many other said, if they wanted to take Karlach as their tragic character, so this is not how you deal with a tragic character. A tragic character is well done when you understand with all the quest that there's no way you can save him from its situation, and the more you progress, the more the hope flies away.
Here's just one of the best character of the game, with a good backstory and an excellent audio work, and her story is just sloppy. All the game we can find dozens of means to save her, most of the game our best Mommy K healer is the only one blacksmith of the village that have to live like a nomad. Even him can do something, and even when he says he can't do more, dialogues are made to let you think there's so many other way. You literally visit a Forge with the so-called "best inventors of all Faerun" ffs !!

Another excellent example is V from Cyberpunk. The game also tackles deep themes, and the ending is very sad, yet it's intricately woven into a logical whole, presented appropriately, and supported by strong arguments. And from what I know, an additional option for a happy ending is supposed to be introduced in dlc as well.

In my opinion, @Larian should quickly introduce even a temporary solution as an olive branch for the players. Personally, I think right after the ending, a slideshow with narration describing the further fates of all characters would be sufficient, but for heaven's sake, with a happy ending.

As I mentioned earlier, each of us knows firsthand that life isn't fair. We escape from this reality into games, onto motorcycles, into cars, and parties, just to flee from all the crap of everyday life. And truly, while playing Baldur's, I was convinced that I had missed something because I couldn't digest the fact that such a wonderful game could hit me with a direct shot to the face at the very end.