The game is full of situations where the game recognises I am drow, this game has done that better than any previous RPG I've played. It comes up in NPC dialogue and was considered basically every time it's relevant.

I haven't played a gith character but from your description it seems to be giving exposition your character would already know?, I assume it is the same even playing origin La'zael as there has to be some way tog et the player that information. RPG's always have the problem of exposition your character wouldn't need but the player desperately does. Should the game just leave players who choose Gith learning nothing about Gith culture and practices if they can't ask Laz or be informed about it?

Drow dialogue does it quite well, you ask Minthara what life in the underdark is like, she makes a joke about how surely you know already being a drow, you can reply 'yes but I want your perspective' or 'no i've never been' etc, the game provides the exposition without compromising your choice of background.
Gith would be alot harder as so much of the game deals with gith culture and stuff the player NEEDS to know and you can't rely on every player making a gith character to have read up on them

Minthara is the best character and she NEEDS to be recruitable if you side with the grove!
Also- I support the important thread in the suggestions: Let everyone in the Party Speak