Surely this is a case how many lines of dialogue could they reasonably be expected to write and record? There’s already an absurd amount, most of which is very well done IMO (a few quirks here and there). There’s always going to be cases where you might think it would better if you could say something different than the options given or if characters responded differently to whatever.

Personally I find it a little grating that your companions say the exact same thing on joining and being dismissed from the core team. Especially when you realise that you just asked someone to stay behind while they still an item you want to take off them. Argh!

But that’s a minor gripe in the scheme of things. Game dialogue is always going to be a compromise that way. I think Larien have done good job of it in general. The game does recognize your race (sometimes), it does give you options depending of class (sometimes). As well as responding to the choices you make. It’s not perfect, but it couldn’t possibly be.