Originally Posted by Warlocke
There absolutely will be another Baldur’s Gate game at some point. Even if the story is completely disconnected, the name is now a more potent brand than ever. The Baldur’s Gate 3: The Black Hound that BioWare was making was a completely new story. Still kept the name. Baldur’s Gate 2 doesn’t even take place in the eponymous city. Brand name recognition is important.
I disagree...Baldur's Gate 2 released a VERY long time ago, and the sales numbers it did back then aren't even a tiny fraction of what BG3 sold...brand name recognition didn't play any part of BG3's success...most people who bought and played BG3 have no idea about and never played BG1 or BG2. Dungeons & Dragons likely played a far bigger role than anyone recognizing or caring about the Baldur's Gate franchise specifically. But even then...trying to milk a franchise dry because it's hot is a bad idea...that's how imagination dies and ideas grow stale.