Originally Posted by Palatinus
All the points had a role:

1) BG franchise for the older players.
2) D&D franchise for tabletop players.
3) DOS2 success and turn based combat system for younger players or new players for the franchise.
4) Larian attention for quality without compromise.
5) The availability of the game on cloud gaming platform like GFN, to play at maximum quality without a costly PC.
Honestly I'm not sure DOS2 players cared that much...I have seen very very few of the DOS2 backers active on here around the release of BG3. And BG1 and BG2 players may have been fewer still given the time it's been and their relative insignificance. CRPGs as a genre has been a fairly niche genre until now...BG3 is truly the first CRPG to really have a major break into gaming market...in the top ten most concurrent players is no small feat...this is uncharted territory for CRPGs. Even Diablo has always been far more streamlined to be accessible to casuals and shied from too much complexity and never dabbled into giving players story altering decisions. D&D was probably the biggest factor, Larian's general reputation for always delivering 90+ rated games was also a likely contributing factor, but beyond that I don't think there's much meaningful influence to speak of.