I played a lot of divinity 2 with friends and altough it was fun for sure I also don't think it was a better system. Int characters were far superior to anything especially because of their versatility. Beside early game Fort Joy a total caster group is a viable option. Combined with feats like torturer, far out spellcasting and spellcasting crit dmg even high magic armor didn't stand a chance. Torturer espacially was quite an op feat as you could ignore armor against your cc spells and completly stop your enemie from doing anything before loosing a lot of their health. If you still wanted to deal physical dmg, don't worry just use points in necromancy, which also sclaes with Int, does phisical dmg and debuffs your enemies. For the most useful polymorph spells you just needed to invest one point, same rule applied to huntsman 2 points and you had more or less a teleport ability. But hey aren't casters all glass canon and their physical armor easaly to overcome? No, casters preferable used a shield and wand making them tanky enough and had viable spells to make them tankier than any armor could.