What is Playersexuality?Here is a nice definition from Google (cause we all use Google, it's taking over the World People!!): "Playersexual" is a term used for characters in video games or visual novels who are attracted to the player character regardless of gender or other characteristics.
Why I think it's a good thing?If you are playing an RPG Game, you are also role-playing. If you can role-play as a Barbarian smashing heads and wearing green skin, you can role-play that the heartthrob in your camp is as hetero as you are.
Or they can be as gay as you are as well.
Playersexuality isn't the main reason for bad writing. Most often it is used as a Tool to say 'Well, they made them all Bi now the writing sucks!'. Funny enough, when similar writing sucked and had hetero only...you only hear cricket noise.
The only thing player sexuality does is allow all the players to romance whomever they want. Nothing more than that.
It has no impact on the writing of a character itself. And it can be proven by simply switching said flag from player sexual to whatever orientation you want. If a character is written badly, do you really think turning him Gay or Hetero he gonna become a better character???
Does it take so little to change a player's opinion from Hating a character to loving it?
Let's see now, everyone knows Anomen Delryn from Baldur's Gate 2 right? He is the only romance for a Hetero lady where her male counterpart had: Viconia, Aerie, and Jaheira.
![[Linked Image from sorcerers.net]](https://sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/Walkthrough2/images/screens/anomen.jpg)
Remember him?
Do you really think that if a mod was installed and turned him gay there would be any change to him?
He still will be a douche. calling Jaheira 'My Lady' one second and then a 'Wench' a second later. He still will rebuke an older paladin (Keldorn) when he gives him advice.
He still will sound pompous and blame everyone under the sun for his sister's death except his own actions.
And that's what player sexuality does. It doesn't add by Magic new dialogue to someone. It doesn't change their main background story.
If someone was to mod Anomen to be romanced by a male Charname, they will remove the flag that block a male Charname from doing so.
But if you want his dialogues to change to fit his now Gay orientation? That has nothing to do with player sexuality and will need a full rewrite. And that has a tie to the writing itself. From his name, his family ties, and his personal Quest.
But player sexuality limit options in characters' backgrounds no?Again, the writing is limited. Player sexuality doesn't have an effect on that.
And the issue is how the player sees the player's sexuality.
If player sexuality for you is = Everyone is gay now.
You are the one limiting yourself, not the game.
If you believe that the writing is lacking in background and nuances, then the fault is poor writing. Blame that. Not player sexuality.
But X Character in Y Game only Harped about Sleeping with women!What's the point? Many peoples were known to be married, had children, even grandchildren, and later in life, they came out as Gay.
It is not unheard of.
It just means this X character has never had a relationship with the same sex and if romanced, the player would be their 1st gay experience.
Care to give us an example???Sure.
Fallout 4, starts you as a married man or woman.
Many didn't like that. Because being married kinda take away from the blank background some like much more.
I didn't let that stop me though.
And romanced the journalist Piper.
B-but she was Married and even had a KID! Won't you think of the Kid????
The way I saw it is that my character was once married. Then she got frozen and years passed her by. Her quest was about finding her baby. Nowhere it said she had to bang every companion and get married again.
If anything the main story seemed more centered around building settlements and taking down bad guys. Who got time for romance when you have bad guys to kill?
But yes, on her journey to the closest town she met Piper by the gate. She even gave her an Interview and was nicknamed 'Blue'. Then they joined forces, and on adventuring they went together.
During their travels, Piper confides in 'Blue' about raising her sister and other things.
Time passed by as they built settlements, added more people to their friend's group and chased bad guys while looking for little Junior.
You know how the story ends right?
They lived happily ever after in a house that had no lock. Every night they had to find a different bed to do Woohoo because Bethesda couldn't be assed to create doors that lock the settlers away. Bunch of Perv!
But that was all forgotten once morning came and did the Lover's Embrace. it's a glow from the Woohoo you had before going to bed.....any bed really. The wasteland doesn't judge when it comes to trying to kill you.
Ew...but what about some Storytelling that can't be told like a Vow of celibacy when everyone is Playersexual?What about it?
The companions are called a 'Romance Option' for a reason. If you want a Virgin or an eunuch then just don't romance them and go to the nearest Lampost and pretend it never had sex and won't sleep with you.
Believe me, you won't hurt his feeling. He still lights up no matter what you say to it.
But seriously though, peoples choose to do the romance because they want to spice things up in their games.
Everyone is tired of the broody, lone Wolf jackass whose great love is his dog or horse.
And again, this has nothing to do with player sexuality. Believe it or not, but you can have a character who is let's say a Virgin or has a vow of celibacy and be player sexual.
The only thing again player sexuality mean is: ANYONE CAN TRY TO MAKE A PASS AT THE NUN. It doesn't change the fact the NUN IS A VIRGIN AND HAS A VOW OF CELIBACY. If she is written that she never break her Vow and never bedded anyone, and yet at the end of her story she still says 'I LOVE YOU BUT AINT SLEEPING WITH YOU EVER! CAUSE MY BODY BELONG TO JEEBUS!' then yes.....she can still do that and be player sexual.
Do you get it now????
B-but all them dudes hitting one meh, and I just wanna be bros!! it's so awkward!!Grow up.