Originally Posted by Zerubbabel
Good news is amnesiac Durge is allegedly Tav+ (according to some subreddit posters) with an intimate connection to BG1+2 as its story.

Riiiight… So I just started a new playthrough with Durge today and I just got to the scene with Alfira… so, Tav+ is technically is an uncontrollable murder-hobo with detailed gory scenes. Cheers Larian!

Ok, the game is rated M and I knew it so I am not complaining… I guess I will just reload and go back to being my companions (unhappy) vanilla sidekick. Maybe I can push Lae’zel in chasm now and then when I am too fed up with her…

But seriously, the Durge story is intriguing so far, but maybe let’s remember that Bg1 and 2 had isometric graphics (pretty goreless) and Charname had full control. This version is interesting, but I saw more guts and vicera in a single day on the screen than I ever wished to.

Last edited by Timoleth; 13/08/23 03:25 PM.