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Originally Posted by Rahaya
[quote=Dext. Paladin]

You said Sarevok was trying to be a good daddy's puppy. That has nothing to do with whether or not his attempts to NOT do that work. EDIT: And if the conclusion is 'problem solved if the changes were actually explained'...doesn't that just agree with the OP asking for a rewrite?

Actualy, Sarevok was *unknowlingly* trying to be good daddy's puppy (I know it wasn't originally written like that, but I say on the same post, that all bhaalspawn, except charname, inevitably serve Bhaal's purpose). As Most if not all Bhaalspawn was. Notable exception is the charname, because you control them, not Bhaal.

I agree with the re-write, we may or may not agree with what would be written.

I think it's Okay Viconia depicted as "evil" and Sarevok as "Mindless fanatics", OP think character development in BG2 happened, I disagree (which is the problem with Canon in this type of storytelling).

Last edited by Dext. Paladin; 28/09/23 04:26 AM.

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Thanks for replying.

Originally Posted by Auric
I disagree in the strongest terms with the premise of the opening post/thread title. Others have already more or less said what I would so I won't just keep arguing the same points, but I will say it comes off as very entitled to think reappearances MUST be a certain way because of how certain players played a past game in which what you want is only one of multiple possible outcomes. I fully acknowledge there are a couple small plot holes but as mentioned 100 years is a lot of time for things to change, especially in Faerun. I see no problem with their current characterizations and in Viconia's case in particular I actually like her better in BG3.

But what?

I think you totally missed my points. Canonizing a character's state in sequals is neccessary, I was not opposed to that, what I was opposed to is how they did it. I never claimed these two characters MUST be a certain way or what they were in my playthroughs, what I was arguing is even consider all the possible outcomes, BG3's them are still totally out of character, and I listed my points. Of course, you can disagree with my points, but can you explain to me in which outcome of BG1&2 that Viconia would become a fanatic who loves to torture children and Sarevok would become Bhaal's puppy dog, that they would throw their origin stories out of window? The plotholes in BG3 are not small, they're huge fucking gaps.

And you said "100 years is a lot of time for things to change", but is that really an excuse? That because time passes, characters can be whatever the writer wants them to be? Is this really good character writing that you can accept? Okay, let's use an example in my article, in BG4, 100 years has passed, now Karlach becomes a demon lord who loves to slaughter and torture people, and the game gives no explanation except "because 100 years is a lot of time for things to change" and "well that's actually one of her possible outcomes", will you be okay with it?

It's okay you like BG3's Viconia, but whether you or me like it or not is besides the point, isn't it? The point is those two characters are in fact not their original selves in BG3. And one can like anything, I like The Room, but I will be crazy to say The Room is a good movie, won't I?

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Originally Posted by Amirit
The funny thing is, they do not need to rewrite much. One way is to change the names and remove lines about those characters being Viconia and Sarevok. Another - they can be indeed imposters, or, better yet, assume the names in commemoration of the old characters (in a manner of "I take your name and every follower will think that you serve me").
I am sure there are dozens of other ways to do it without spending much money.

Thanks for replying and I agree, I was thinking about those solutions as well.

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Originally Posted by Leucrotta
Echoing the criticisms already aired about Vic and Sarevok. But I'd like to point out that in some points Larian went out of their way to change the trajectory of the characters from their endings to make them...worse. I think it's already been pointed out how BG 3's backstory for vic twists her ending to make her more evil and fanatical than she originally was, recontextualizing the events to be less hopeful/tragic (viconia doesn't fit in with the evil wierdos that comprise the proper clergy of the church of Shar, they turned on her and so did Shar) and more 'jesus, this cultist is a real piece of work' (she murdered all of them, with emphasis that they were loyal and trusted her, because she's a blind fanatic who lives only to serve Shar)

Sarevok's background doesn't really line up with his endings at all, but seems to have been rewritten with the intention of just making him as one-dimensional and messed-up as possible. Complete with incest. Apparently that's a thing. It even overshadows the left-field nonsense of the other Throne of Bhaal characters returning as fanatical servants. (Sendai was eyebrow-raising, Amelyssan was full WTF)

You also have to look at how they are used in the game-what their purpose is. In Vic's case, she exist pretty much to serve the dual-purpose of cathartic release (by beating Shadowheart's abuser, much like Cazador with Asterion) and also of validating Shadowheart's 'specialness' Vic's new story is basically that her life's work basically been to raise Shadowheart to be Shar's chosen. Then disposed of (on the faithful Shadowheart route) or to otherwise be rendered insignificant by her defeat and Shadowheart sparing her as part of her 'healing' process (basically says she's nothing to her and to do what you want)

Sarevok serves a similar role, but to validate the specialness of Dark Urge and Orin. There's a lot of dialogue that pretty much spells out that he's a failure or otherwise in the shadow of his granddaughter and/or Durge. Durge is pretty much explicitly singled out as better than him, even in his own words. Basically a gatekeeper of sorts to exposit about how great Orin and Durge are compared to himself.

Of note, the only characters who know either of them personally have absolutely nothing good to say about either of them and are very happy if you kill them. Comparing them to SH and Durge in terms, again-to reinforce that the latter are special and the former are failures or otherwise 'fallen'. Even Minthara has nothing good to say about Vic despite being in almost the exact same boat.

Combined with how unpleasantly they are characterized in the game via their words and actions it seems clear to me that these aren't characters we are intended to *like*, or work with, but rather characters who we are supposed to feel disgust/anger/dislike towards and want to beat/kill/surpass and feel good about doing so. They are not character written with fanservice or their general popularity in mind, like with Minsc and Jaheria. Makes me really happy that the pre-release rumors of Lorroakan being Edwin turned out to be false (in the final release, at least) Having half of the evil party members from BG II+ToB being treated as such was bad enough.

Thanks for replying. I agree with what you said, the players do need cathartic release. What confused me is why they have to use old characters to be the punching bag? And they even went out of their way to do it, like you said. Do they hate players of the old games? (Is ths Last of Us Part II?) The villains we got were not well-written at all and literally could be replaced by anyone, any small clown characters. So why have to be them? I really don't understand.

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Originally Posted by VariableD
I registered just to thank the OP.
As a player of BG2 who chose Viconia as my romance option,
I lay in bed crying for a whole morning after finishing ShadowHeart storyline of ACT III.
While the arrogance of Wizards of the Coast towards the video game characters is evident, this time it's really too much.

Thank you, really, I hope you get better now ;D because I'm not lol

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Thanks Paladin

Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
Included in my argument was: Whatever they stated motive, they're *unknowingly* did Bhaal's bidding.

Sure Sarevok can say he did it to please her cats, or want to replace Bhaal - do you think Bhaal will let him? The more he kills, the more Bhaal becomes stronger.

Sarevok may talk big and say he want to replace Bhaal but do you think without Charname interference, other Bhaalspawn would just... let him? When the entire point of their existence is to ensure Bhaal resurrection one way or another?

I don't think so.

So again, it was never about what the goal he stated, regardless of what he says, his action inevitably puppet-ed by Bhaal's will.

But we are literally talking about different things at this point. You're talking about Sarevok's actual influences and what other characters let or didn't let him do, I'm talking about his character and what a man he truly was. You're talking about what he did, I'm talking about what he wanted. Our topics become totally unrelated now so I guess we should end the discussion. But hey, thanks again for replying.

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Oh and one more thing

Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
OP think character development in BG2 happened, I disagree (which is the problem with Canon in this type of storytelling).

I didn't, that was never my point. Sure I think it will be far better if they canonize the developments in BG2, but my point was always even consider all the possible outcomes, including that those two characters' developments in BG2 never happened, they are still totally out of character in BG3, because BG3 directly contradicts their character cornerstones, which happened far before BG1&2 and have nothing to do with their journey/romance with the player.

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Originally Posted by Rahaya
More people should understand that if you need to handwave/assume/headcanon something to make it make sense, then you are saying it is poorly written, full stop. A good story explains itself.

Thanks for replying, well said friend.

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Originally Posted by SerTomato
Thanks for replying. I agree with what you said, the players do need cathartic release. What confused me is why they have to use old characters to be the punching bag? And they even went out of their way to do it, like you said. Do they hate players of the old games? (Is ths Last of Us Part II?) The villains we got were not well-written at all and literally could be replaced by anyone, any small clown characters. So why have to be them? I really don't understand.

Honestly? I don't know what happened. There's no way that Larian wasn't aware of the popularity of Viconia in particular, and I don't buy the theory the gets floated around in threads like this that it was a dictate from WoTC-the controversial stuff in regards to them seems to serve a specific purpose within BG III itself, which points to it being a choice that Larian themselves came up with. No, I think Larian can shoulder the blame for this one.

What really bugs me though is that this came about despite the characters being popular, *despite* Jaheria and Minsc getting comparatively the royal treatment. I can only speculate that this was allowed to happen because of some combination of the characters not having an advocate/fan on the writing staff or their immediate boss(es) This is not the sort of thing that would have been written by fans...if I'm being perfectly honest this is the sort of writing I'd expect from someone who *disliked* the character being involved. Which is bizarre, because Larian loves their complex victimized evil character party members-you'd think Viconia would be the sort of character they'd fall in love with, or at the very least if they were going in the direction they ended up going with, they'd go for a more nuanced and sympathetic villain than what we got in either case.

Last edited by Leucrotta; 28/09/23 06:13 AM.
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Originally Posted by SerTomato
Originally Posted by VariableD
I registered just to thank the OP.
As a player of BG2 who chose Viconia as my romance option,
I lay in bed crying for a whole morning after finishing ShadowHeart storyline of ACT III.
While the arrogance of Wizards of the Coast towards the video game characters is evident, this time it's really too much.

Thank you, really, I hope you get better now ;D because I'm not lol

I am not. Even if they fix Viconia's story, they still ruin Mystra through Gale.
Now I find myself adopting an ostrich-like approach, dwelling in the year 13XX DR and refusing to acknowledge the events afterward. _(:?)?)_

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I’ve never really played the first two games so I'm coming at this without particular reverence for the characters. I'm someone who thinks that having returning characters like this is one of the fun parts of a sequel like this, but I'm also against those particular party members being companions. I think it would have been better if Jaheira had just remained the experienced advisor/support the way she was in act 2. They could have said Jaheira was too well known to be going around with your party so she and her harpers had to stay in the background and provide you support, until the end where she joins the final battle in all her high level glory. I say this as someone who adores Jaheira as a companion in this game and took her everywhere once she became available. And in a better version of this game, one where the shar stuff was actually integrated into the main plot and mattered to it, Viconia would have been the evil alternate version of that. Minsc I could accept as a companion since canonically (Canon established a whole ago by wotc and not Larian) he was a statue until somewhat recently and I think that justifies him being lower level.

But as it stands now, regardless of writing or characterization, there is no reason for the subjects of this thread to be in the game. Jaheira has a substantial role in act 2 and while sure, someone else could have filled that role, having it be Jaheira does actually improve the story in terms of impact and feel. Meanwhile Sarevok and Viconia? They're bit players that don't matter to the story at all. If they were replaced, nothing would change and no emotional impact would be lost. I also don't buy the excuse that WOTC wanted them in. People seem too quick to lay the blame for this games flaws on them when there's no evidence they had any real input. This is just Larian not caring the way they cared about Jaheira and Minsc.

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Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
I think, you should consider Baldur's Gate 3 as continuation but of different timelines. Whatever idealized fate you think they should've ended up with, it's still exist, in some other universe, but not in this one.

This. Every universe built by a DM / writer / game developer / film director is unrelated to the others made by other people. Just stop trying to bring them together. BG1 and 2 had different writers and teams, basically different DMs. BG3 has its own universe and it has a lot in common with BG1 and 2 but it. is. not. the. same. universe. There are many choices to make in BG1 and 2 and all of them are canon in different universes.

What's next honestly, bringing in D&D Honor Among Thieves and saying that Bards should hit people with their lutes and can't cast spells?

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Originally Posted by Raz415
Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
I think, you should consider Baldur's Gate 3 as continuation but of different timelines. Whatever idealized fate you think they should've ended up with, it's still exist, in some other universe, but not in this one.

This. Every universe built by a DM / writer / game developer / film director is unrelated to the others made by other people. Just stop trying to bring them together. BG1 and 2 had different writers and teams, basically different DMs. BG3 has its own universe and it has a lot in common with BG1 and 2 but it. is. not. the. same. universe. There are many choices to make in BG1 and 2 and all of them are canon in different universes.

What's next honestly, bringing in D&D Honor Among Thieves and saying that Bards should hit people with their lutes and can't cast spells?

The point is not this. Whatever playthrough you do in BG and BG2, there is no correlation with Viconia and Sarevok in BG3. The OP has clearly demonstrated with concrete data how the characters are completely different. The fact that they are characters we are fond of and used to seeing in a certain way only serves to make us more attentive to how they have been written by Larian.

I also believe that anyone who does not have a deep knowledge of the characters from BG and BG2 contributes little to the discussion.
In fact, taken stand-alone, Viconia and Sarevok in BG3 are decently written characters, and it is perfectly understandable that those who do not know them may have liked them. But the point of the OP is not that they are poorly written, but that they clash poorly with the old ones and completely neglect an important narrative arc, making them caricatures.

In light of all this, it is perfectly understandable to wonder if those who wrote these characters or this part of the plot really have the necessary knowledge to do them justice?

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Originally Posted by Undomiel
Originally Posted by Raz415
Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
I think, you should consider Baldur's Gate 3 as continuation but of different timelines. Whatever idealized fate you think they should've ended up with, it's still exist, in some other universe, but not in this one.

This. Every universe built by a DM / writer / game developer / film director is unrelated to the others made by other people. Just stop trying to bring them together. BG1 and 2 had different writers and teams, basically different DMs. BG3 has its own universe and it has a lot in common with BG1 and 2 but it. is. not. the. same. universe. There are many choices to make in BG1 and 2 and all of them are canon in different universes.

What's next honestly, bringing in D&D Honor Among Thieves and saying that Bards should hit people with their lutes and can't cast spells?

The point is not this. Whatever playthrough you do in BG and BG2, there is no correlation with Viconia and Sarevok in BG3. The OP has clearly demonstrated with concrete data how the characters are completely different. The fact that they are characters we are fond of and used to seeing in a certain way only serves to make us more attentive to how they have been written by Larian.

I also believe that anyone who does not have a deep knowledge of the characters from BG and BG2 contributes little to the discussion.
In fact, taken stand-alone, Viconia and Sarevok in BG3 are decently written characters, and it is perfectly understandable that those who do not know them may have liked them. But the point of the OP is not that they are poorly written, but that they clash poorly with the old ones and completely neglect an important narrative arc, making them caricatures.

In light of all this, it is perfectly understandable to wonder if those who wrote these characters or this part of the plot really have the necessary knowledge to do them justice?

My two cents as someone who didn’t play bg1 or 2, for me they were incredibly boring and forgettable characters in this game so honestly I think the rewrite was a negative for both old fans and new ones

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Thanks for replying.

Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
Meanwhile Sarevok and Viconia? They're bit players that don't matter to the story at all. If they were replaced, nothing would change and no emotional impact would be lost. I also don't buy the excuse that WOTC wanted them in. People seem too quick to lay the blame for this games flaws on them when there's no evidence they had any real input. This is just Larian not caring the way they cared about Jaheira and Minsc.

I think I disagree with that they don't matter at all, think about it, Shadowheart's whole story is based on Viconia's out of character actions, and if Sarevok's out of character actions didn't exist, Orin won't be the way she was. But I get what you mean, as villains these two characters are totally replacable, which means they're lackluster and poorly written. Replacing them is one of my points, if you're not going to pay respect to old characters, or don't have the patience to even understand them, don't add them into the game at all.

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Originally Posted by Raz415
This. Every universe built by a DM / writer / game developer / film director is unrelated to the others made by other people. Just stop trying to bring them together. BG1 and 2 had different writers and teams, basically different DMs. BG3 has its own universe and it has a lot in common with BG1 and 2 but it. is. not. the. same. universe. There are many choices to make in BG1 and 2 and all of them are canon in different universes.

What's next honestly, bringing in D&D Honor Among Thieves and saying that Bards should hit people with their lutes and can't cast spells?

Allow me to disagree again. This game is called "Baldur's Gate 3", not "Baldur's Gate: Reboot" or "Baldur's Gate: WotC Edition". As a sequal, it is their job to make it make sense. The devs and the game never told players the story that "it. is. not. the. same. universe", players told themselves this story, in fact, think about how this game was publicized and how *some* of the old characters were handled, they tried very hard to reconnect with old games. Hell, the lead writer literally said "we want to pay respect to old games" in an interview. (But have they?)

I don't remember hitting people with lutes and the disability to cast spells being rules in D&D Honor Among Thieves, they're just poor executions of dnd rules. And I'm talking about characters, if they ever make a D&D Honor Among Thieves II, is it okay to say Doric becomes Sofina now? What's the limit of this logic? Let me use the example again, when BG4 comes out, is it okay for Karlach to become a demon lord who loves to torture and kill people, simply because "oh well BG3 was a different game and they're not related, not the same universe bro"? Is that really good writing that players should accept?

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Thank you very much friend. Allow me to agree with everything except one

Originally Posted by Undomiel
In fact, taken stand-alone, Viconia and Sarevok in BG3 are decently written characters.

Personally I don't think they are, in my opinion, even if these two characters are not called "Viccy" and "Sarevok", they're still lackluster and could be replaced by any clowns. Not good villains, at least not good enough for Act III. But still, thanks.

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Originally Posted by Alarac
My two cents as someone who didn’t play bg1 or 2, for me they were incredibly boring and forgettable characters in this game so honestly I think the rewrite was a negative for both old fans and new ones
I come again to encourage you to play the classic and differentiate BG1/2 Sarevok/Viconia with this universe counter part.

On GOG you can have both the classic and enhanced version, I recommend playing the enchanced version of the first game but play the classic version of the second game.

Councellor Florrick's favorite Warlock.

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Can't say I understand what you're feeling since I never played 1 or 2, but as a new player I'll just say this: their characterizations are too black-and-white for my taste. It saddens me to see they could have played more complicated roles.

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Originally Posted by SerTomato
Thanks Paladin

Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
Included in my argument was: Whatever they stated motive, they're *unknowingly* did Bhaal's bidding.

Sure Sarevok can say he did it to please her cats, or want to replace Bhaal - do you think Bhaal will let him? The more he kills, the more Bhaal becomes stronger.

Sarevok may talk big and say he want to replace Bhaal but do you think without Charname interference, other Bhaalspawn would just... let him? When the entire point of their existence is to ensure Bhaal resurrection one way or another?

I don't think so.

So again, it was never about what the goal he stated, regardless of what he says, his action inevitably puppet-ed by Bhaal's will.

But we are literally talking about different things at this point. You're talking about Sarevok's actual influences and what other characters let or didn't let him do, I'm talking about his character and what a man he truly was. You're talking about what he did, I'm talking about what he wanted. Our topics become totally unrelated now so I guess we should end the discussion. But hey, thanks again for replying.
Good reply.
You basically said everything I wanted to say, but I'm afraid I don't have the patience that you do.

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