Originally Posted by Shinook
I was really surprised to see the success of this game being what it is, I figured games based on D&D rules were kindof going to be a thing of the past, but given its success, I doubt it's the last game of this nature we see done.

I would much rather see them expand on what's already in BG3, though. There's a lot of potential with the characters, to add new companions, and quests in the current game. I'd hate to see them rush right into another title without tidying up what's already here or expand on it.

I could be wrong but I thought they said a full expansion was extremely unlikely, though, due to difficulties in translating lvl13-20 abilities into video game form?

Originally Posted by Darth_Trethon
The story of Baldur's Gate that started with BG1 ends in BG3, so there will likely not ever be a BG4.

Wait, how are they tied? It's been probably over a decade since I played either of those, but aside from a few characters here or there, I thought most of the storyline wasn't linked? I saw a few side comments in text about it, but I didn't think the main story was really that closely linked.
I don't think Larian's next D&D game will be a Baldur's Gate game though I think they will continue with D&D and maybe they can dedicate a portion of their 400 team to DOS3.

But in terms of connections while BG3 isn't too closely connected to BG1 and BG2 it does follow up on the same story themes with the same evil gods and some of the old games' companions and themes. This game was made to be an epic last showdown with the dead three.