Originally Posted by fylimar
As I and others pointed out, you have a lot of interactions based on your race and class. I'm not keen on playing evil characters, but I don't think, I miss out by playing Tav instead of Durge or an origin. Durge just has different interactions and - since I was spoilered there - a connection to something specific in the old games, which I think, might even be presented better here, since I never felt like I
was a child of a murder god, who has to fight against their nature
in the old games. So in fact the Durge does do that better imo
Fair enough. I was commenting on the notion that Durge was effectively Tav+. But it is certainly possible that this is not true, and that playing Tav and playing Durge are of roughly equally good game-playing experiences. I'm not convinced of this yet, but I certainly concede that it is possible.