Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
I've always maintained that Tav should have some unique experience of the main plot and story that no other origin gets. After all, every origin has unique tags. It just so happens that being Tav let's us choose any combination of them.
This is it exactly! This is what I'm trying to say as well. Interractions based on Tav's race/class tags are not meaningful, because those are generic to ANY character that has those tags, including the origins and any mercenary character we may create and include in our party. There ought to be things in the game, meaningful and important things that are central to the game, that are unique to Tav, things that no other character gets (be they origins or Durge or a mecenary or an NPC).

If the only reason you would accept playing as Tav is that the game will outright say "hey, you're different, you're unique, you're Tav", then you won't enjoy playing as Tav for sure, because the game simply doesn't do that. There is nothing in the game that uniquely identifies Tav as Tav other than the fact that you create them how you want, with whatever background in you're own head, and you avoid having Dark Urge tags/cutscenes. That's the reality of the current game.

For me, all of that is a positive. I'd much rather be able to be a clean slate with no special background, just whatever I bring to it. I've said it before, but my Tav always felt like the main story in my game, she took the lead, people called her a hero, they asked her for help, they loved her. She was MY character. Not Larian's. That alone is worth so much imho. There were no pushes to act a certain way, no existing ideas of her personality and struggles, just who I decided she was. With BG1/2, you HAD to be Gorion's ward, you had no choice. Same with Mass Effect, you WERE Shepard. Do I love those games? Yes, but it is nice to have a wrath of the righteous situation where I am who I chose to be.

I can respect being frustrating though with Larian's choice to have the only unique Tav story be the Dark Urge. I would have liked to have a couple more options in addition to DU and Tav. But it is what it is, and for me, it's enough, but I can see why it wouldn't be for you.