Can we please get an option that allows us to CHANGE our appearance mid-game?

How could Larian omit such an important RPG feature? Why are we force-locked into one appearance for the whole playthrough?

This is an RPG. People want to change their looks as they progress through the story, as they change gear, they may change class, they make choices (evil/good), and may want to reflect these choices on their character looks.

Why are we force-locked into one look for the whole (100hr+!) playthrough? If you can pay and change Class/Skills, you should also be able to change Hairstyle and Tattoos.

Just add a freaking barber or the option to change our appearance at a mirror, Larian.

How could this be omitted during 6 years of development? Why didn't Early Access testers mention this?

Considering that the game is suffering from the usual Character Creator lighting issue, the lighting during the CC room is different from the lighting in-game, and your looks end up being completely different. All colors have a different tint to them when in game, and we need to be able to change our appearance until we find what works best. We can't be repeating the Nautiloid every single time just to see how a certain skin color looks in-game.

Make this happen ASAP, Larian. Please!

Last edited by Strudel; 15/08/23 12:16 AM.