BG3 has a system where companions can interject during conversations, however when you reload a scene (say after dying to a boss) you soon discover, you will get different interjections from different companions. Apparently completely randomly, this can lead to you missing important, interesting and well acted lines entirely and has lead some players to be complaining that companion X never said anything because luck of the roll, in their game they didn't.
This is especially noticeable at the end of the game where
every companion has a lines available but you only here acouple of them meaning at the resolution of the game entire companions can be silent or even you can hear nothing from 90% of your party, only minsc and reloading a quicksave and watching it again renders completely different results, not from player action or choice but RNG for what companion randomly gets to speak

This leads to a lessened experience and a majority of content being missed out on outside of player control to experience it.

Please change this, either as a toggleable option in the settings or completely. Most of the lines and interjections are very short so hearing from your present party (in most cases 3 people) would not drag out conversations or slow down the game, and in situations where your whole party is present (namely cut-scenes) hearing from all of them is important and missing out that content because of RNG is just wasting content.

If we had even the option, to hear all available applicable content, not just a random selection, then for those players playing FOR the story and companions, it would be less arbitary and an enriched experience and would go a long way to fixing the problems many have with
the ending in particular
and with companions they see as underwritten because so much of that writing is locked behind RNG

I do understand the reasoning behind this mechanic, of not wanting overwhelming interjections to the same line to slow down the pace of cut-scenes (we all know how long these could go if you had too many mods for BG2) however given the briefness of these lines and the small number of companions in your party at any given moment, I believe this decision robs the player more than it benefits and is not worth the cost of arbitrarily lost content.

Thank you.

Minthara is the best character and she NEEDS to be recruitable if you side with the grove!
Also- I support the important thread in the suggestions: Let everyone in the Party Speak