Originally Posted by Lotus Noctus
Originally Posted by Xzoviac
One of the little tieflings was off becoming a mage whats she doing?

What about all the other tieflings i saved they have any futures?

Bad guys i let live have they changed or was it a wrong choice?


Non of these questions where answered, and for that reason, im pretty disapointed in the endings of the game, really is a shame you put so much effort in just to rush at the last.

Still an amazing game iv got my moneys worth and will play again, but yeah majorly disapointed in the endings depth

I am confused. Do you not meet them again in BG City? What happens to NPCs like
if you spare them, do you meet them again somewhere later?
You dont see kaga again, or i missed her you meet the odd tiefling, thing is they dont end the story you dont get to know how their futures of the charicters and how your choices have changed the world

Last edited by Xzoviac; 15/08/23 01:17 PM.