I loved it , my team was Gnome Sorc dragon poison sorc ( i used poisoner armour till i got better kit)
Karlach bezerker duel wielding 2 legendary weapons
Lazel (my gnomes love intrest) great weapon fighting using legendary 2h sword
Shadow heart life cleric
i aimed her toward the light
I saved everyone i could and always did the opposite of what the badguys wanted.
There was a few bugs like an npc was stook in a not now dear,
at the circus even though id found all the clowns body parts parts
Npcs recogniseing me in disguise in cut scenes
and people recognising one of my companions as a full mindflayer and getting scared even though she was in disguise
Would have liked a bit more info on the endings of all my companions like bg2 did at the end, explaining what they did next, and what happend to all the diffrent groups and your companions, but sadly the game sorta just ended after a cutscene or two
Feel like the second half of last act was very cool i loved the boss fights and suprises - not gonna talk about them.
I really loved the game a lot, was the first time iv put 100 hours in to a game in a long time in such a short time, it had me gripped.
Bugs i can forgive, they will get sorted, and i cant wait to play again
The combat was fun and i enjoyed the harder fights although killing smaller trash mobs was boring at times because i always wanted to save my casters spell slots for harder battles, i found my sorc hardly used his 1 and 2 spells st higher levels i just turned them in to sorc points, and spent those points with scrolls meaning i could end a battle in 1 turn a lot of the time 1 chain lightning sc cast using bonus action use free cast passive then twinspell chain lightning again
Would maks short work of most fights.
Trying not to rest to much, as the story made me feel time was of the essence, and if i kept resting even though it didnt really effect the game, in my mind i would be playing it wrong, so i didnt rest untill my casters used every spell slot up and ended up spending 50000 (threw the whole game) on spells potions bombs and other useful items so i didnt need too rest as often.
I feel like the closing story needed way more depth and info, iv no idea how most of my choices effected the world in the end to the point that those choices almost didnt matter.
Trying to keep these questions spoiler free so may be vague ish
Whats happend to the grove now?
Halsin died in my game (my fault he got caught in an AOE) how did that change the world?
One of the little tieflings was off becoming a mage whats she doing?
What about all the other tieflings i saved they have any futures?
Bad guys i let live have they changed or was it a wrong choice?
What about all the vampires i let escape?
i killed cassador the devil who offers you a deal is that his name?, rescued a prisoner called hope who took over running his house in Avernus, what happend to her?
Whats happend to act 2 thanks to my actions?
Whats going to happen to the gith?
Non of these questions where answered, and for that reason, im pretty disapointed in the endings of the game, really is a shame you put so much effort in just to rush at the last.
Still an amazing game iv got my moneys worth and will play again, but yeah majorly disapointed in the endings depth