Joined: Feb 2022
I'm not usually one for giving reviews or feedback, and I'm wholly inexperienced with forums like this one, so I'm trying to keep this short and not fooling with much formatting. Warning for end-game spoilers!
I finished my first playthrough this past weekend, after about 85 hours of play time. There's a lot of small gripes I could make, but by far the biggest disappointment I've had in the game was the ENDING. I heard so much about how there were SO MANY endings you could get in bg3, and so I came in expecting something like a FalloutNV-style narrative epilogue telling me about the state of the world after all the choices I made...but there's next to nothing? The small bit we do get with our surviving companions at the end was very lack luster. (And, really, a bit frustrating as an Astarion-romancer. Just a short clip of him nearly burning to death and running off? Really? and with no option for my origin character to show concern over that?) I went the "good" ending route, with the tadpoles being destroyed, and did my best to save as many people in the game as I possibly could, so really there were a LOT of lives I was curious about after everything we went through. But we don't hear about any of them. Did Alfira open her school and name it after us? What does Mayrina do after having her baby? Do Karlach and Wyll come back to visit occasionally? After the combat slog that is Act 3, all we get is a short goodbye to some companions and a pat on the back for saving the city.
Basically, I think the game could very strongly benefit from a more in-depth epilogue about what happened after your work is done. It really doesn't have to be anything fancy--again, just look to new vegas, it's a slide show with the narrator talking. As it stands right now (from the good ending anyway) I don't feel incentivized to play the game to completion as a custom character again. I could chug through Act 2, maybe a third of Act 3, and stop there to get the story bits I want. Otherwise, the third act is just far too much work for too little resolution.
Last edited by The Red Queen; 16/08/23 04:06 PM. Reason: Added spoiler tags
Joined: Oct 2021
Larian polished act I and II but act III is terrible. They knew that the critics never reached act III for their reviews.
Joined: Oct 2020
I agree with this completely, and I don't think we are alone. Reddit is full of people who expected more of a closure than the quick rushed scenes we got. I spent all day looking for different endings, thinking I must've done something wrong only to find out that that's just it... That's the ending. Everyone goes their own way, like "thanks, bruh. See ya." I was playing multiplayer so I hadn't romanced anyone which would have been a total disappointment that you don't even get to have a post-war conversation with them. Like, what's the point of asking Shadowheart what she's willing to do once we get the tadpoles outta our brains if we don't get to go back to that and say "well, let's go enjoy the rest of our lives together!"
Honestly, just a couple things would have done wonders for me and most others I believe. Here's my suggestions: 1. A small celebration at the end of the game in our camp, or the outskirts of the city since most of BG probably got destroyed. Like, we got to celebrate saving/destroying the druid's grove... Is saving/destroying FAERUN really not worth as little as that? It feels so...... anticlimactic and leaves much to be desired. 2. A 2-3 minutes slideshow epilogue describing some of the major decisions we made... Like did we ever get to heal the Shadow-cursed lands... Are the myconid colonies thriving... Did the Druids restore order to the grove... Like, anything at all about what consequences may or may not have occurred because of the adventurer party. 3. If 2 is too difficult, then maybe at least a little slideshow about the companions... Like, Karlach and Wyll are working to make Avernus a little more bearable, or maybe Laezel managed to raise a worth-while army and is preparing to launch an attack on Vlaakith.
I understand some of these things are probably being limited by WOTC, but the slideshow doesn't have to 100% conclusive. It should just kinda give you an idea of how everyone is fairing like a month or two after the end of the journey, which shouldn't be that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Conversely, it would add much more satisfaction to the player having gone through so much to try and improve everyone's lives.
It's worth mentioning that I love the game, and going through it in co-op has been an absolute blast. The mechanics, the choices, the depth of interactions, and literally everything has been top notch. The ending does not take too much away from that, that's for sure; but the fact that it leaves a sour taste at the end of it all just makes me really sad. I really wanted more of a closure taking my choices into account, and I don't think that would have been too difficult to implement when compared to the amazing things the game already offers. Honestly, just 2-3 major events for every act can recapped and their consequences hinted at after the end of the game would do wonders for closure.
Last edited by The Red Queen; 16/08/23 04:06 PM. Reason: Added spoiler tags
Volunteer Moderator
Volunteer Moderator
Joined: Feb 2022
Folks PLEASE use spoiler tags for any plot or story content comments, and especially when talking about the endgame, even if it's mainly your own opinion. Most people are still playing through the game and deserve the chance to make their own minds up.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Feb 2022
I feel the exactly same way ! Excellent points there and I have the similar questions - It felt like none of my choices / consequences mattered. the I just finished the game last night and I have to say I was disappointed. Act 3 felt so rushed and is buggy as hell. Which is a shame because Act 1,2 and early Act 3 were Fantastic !!! the best gaming experience I've ever had ! I also romanced Astarion - Good outcome. And the romance ending honestly feels like an afterthought. Like they spent so much time and effort on the evil ending (which rules) and then just hastily threw this one together. There's nothing remarkable in there. Not a single noteworthy line, just empty bla bla. And I know they want to emphasize user choices but to me it feels so unnatural that even after all this, astarion STILL asks if you want to stay with him. After declaring your love for each other, What kind of monster would leave him at that point? That's just not how relationships work. You don't ask every single day "hey do you still want to do this?". You both commit and then that's it. Ugh. As far as I've seen, astarion is the only companion who has to suffer like that after choosing the redemption path and it seems so unfair to me. Like why can't he be rewarded for making an effort to become a better person? We get a portrait of Astarion from the artist we saved ,and we can't even give it to Astarion ????!!!! we can also commission a statue of Astarion which he can't even look at or interact with !!!! Your Love interest means nothing in the end, not even a hug or kiss. Like we have been able to do since growing the romance. The Necromancy Book of Thay was Pointless & Useless !! I thought it would give an advantage against Cazador or even help cure Astarion. Allies for your final battle don't even show up, Even though they say they will be there in the end to aid you. I would have liked to see something of what I've achieved after my 80 hours gameplay. Something Dragon Age style , a final celebration before going separate ways, where you get to chat with all your companions and your love interest. An Epilogue, Slideshows, animations , just something to show how my choices affected the world. "Completing" the game feels pointless now. I won't fully complete a playthrough until Act 3 is actually finished ! When I'm to close to the end of Act 3 I will just start over , not going to bother with the finale.
Last edited by Aranel Lavellan; 16/08/23 06:00 PM. Reason: spoiler
Volunteer Moderator
Volunteer Moderator
Joined: Feb 2022
Again - remember your spoiler tags! You add them like this: [spoiler]Spoiler text here[/spoiler] Please err on the side of caution. It's better to put something in tags that's not a spoiler than leave something that is out of them.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Aug 2023
Cannot agree more. ]I love the game, but the ending were basically few empty sentences from Jaheira and Halsin which I even don't have in party.I played as always as good character and had romance with Karlach and my best option was to sent her with Wyll to hell. Why? But this is another story in another topic. The completely missing final dialogues with characters or some speech from narrator or at least few screens what happened with cities, places and people which i met during the game was a big issue for me. I love the endings from games like bg2, both Pathfinders or Pillars of eternity, where u can see consequences of your acts and also what happened with your companions and with you and your love. This is the true ending of every rpg and then I can go sleep. To be honest after my ending with Karlach I had tears in my eyes the whole evening. I hope this will be completely reworked in the future But anyway big thanks Larian for the RPG of at least a decade.
Last edited by Rae; 24/08/23 06:07 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
It lacks the classic ending with pictures that tells about the state of the world. As in Pathfinder - Wrath of the Righteous And also, um, a victory party, a farewell chat with all party friends, important NPCs like Nightsong, Mizora, a holiday date with a character's love interest. Something like that, before starting the final scene. This is with the destruction of the brain. With the control ending, it just sucks, the 1 minute ending. I always chose the control ending in the third mass effect, where it left moral satisfaction, but not here.
Thanks to Larian for Baldurs Gate 3 and the reaction to player feedback
Joined: Dec 2017
Larian polished act I and II but act III is terrible. They knew that the critics never reached act III for their reviews. Sad, but true. Act 3 is a big letdown. And there I was like "wow, three acts of THIS????" during EA and while I played act 1 and 2 after release. Then it all fell apart.
Joined: Mar 2020
Joined: Aug 2023
Oh boy! I made a forum account just to add my two cents. I agree with what a lot of people have been saying about the ending. I want to give my opinions and some of the things I feel could improve it. It is absolutely not spoiler free, I only recommend reading my little wall of text if you've finished the game at least once. So to start off, I'm fo the same oinion as many of the players. Act 1 was very well polished, Act 2 was fine but felt a little faster, and Act 3 felt rushed and less detailed. It culminates in the ending feeling like only the choices that had any impact were the "destroy the brain" VS "control the brain". Whether you trusted the Emperor or not, embraced your Illithidness or not, or even whether you freed Orpheus or became Illithid yourself felt like were very minor changes in comparison. It all leads to the same end result. Furthermore, there is not even a chance to try and get Orpheus and the Emperor to work together (a chance, I say!)
Here's what I 'd suggest for the ending itself:
After the final decision, if you picked destroy, there could be a segment where you can move around and talk to your companions and whatever NPCs made it (like, for instance, if they are alive and such: Dame Aylin, The Emperor, Orpheus, Duke Ravenguard, minor NPCs that helped you along the way or in the final battle like Zevlor, and such). Maybe even something like the camp party in the end of Act 1. The main point being, the ability to talk and listen to these NPCs and have more than a few dialogue inputs about where everyone goes from there. And it should change according to your current approval or romance/friend status.
I understand some people were upset by not being able to save Karlach or a "good route" Astarion still burning in the sun - I don't actually think it'd be much benefit to have a 100% happy ending where these problems are magically fixed. I tghink that those facts are, by themselves, fine, but I think players perhaps wanted more closure. Talkign to Astarion after he runs away from the sun would help, I think, like figuring out where he goes from there, whether or not you come with, etc. Same with Karlach. In my endings, where Wyll is around and goes to Avernus with her, it felt like it all happened so fast that there was no sense of closure. I can get where some people are coming from not wanting these problems to exist and wanting a good happy ending for everyone, but I think that the closure would matter more. You can't save everyone, and such, but closure still matters a lot.
The Emperor himself, particularly if you "romanced' him, has barely any lines at all in the end. Orpheus had a bit more, if you freed him, and while that's fine and good, you and the Emperor have kind of gone through a lot together, whether you trusted him or not, and I'd have hoped for a bit more... closure as well, I think. Again, the option to speak to these characters at some length would improve it significantly. I recall there being something like that in the ending of Dragon Age Origins (sorry for being yet another person comparing Baldur's Gate 3 to that game), where before the big ending slideshow/party, you could talk to all your companions that made it as well as some NPCs.
A cutscene with your romanced lover(s) at the end of this "party" or area, if you romanced anyone, would also be nice. And I AM including the squid here! We are "bonded", and I don't even get a word, whether loving because he never had anyone accept him the way he is now, or spurning because he was using me the whole time and now he doesn't need me anymore and we should part ways? Nothing? Not even a crumb, Larian? Come on...
And, my final point about the ending itself: all those sidequests, all those characters you helped or did not help, killed or did not kill... what happened after? What were the minor consequences of your less "important" actions? A slideshow would have been great. For example - the hag from Act 1. What happens if you never even went to her teashouse, what if you killed her then but didn't complete the hag survivors questline in Act 3? What happens to the myconids? What happens in the society of brilliance if Omeluum is alive or dead? And what about your Illithid powers? I admit it is very funny to me as an Emperor enjoyer that if you eat all the tadpoles you want, nothing bad really happens to you. You can literally trust him to the end LOL. Is that meant to be so? Not even a consequence to your soul? Since, y'know, apparently Illithids don't have them, shouldn't yours be at least a little eaten up if you filled your brain with worms? No brain damage from where the worms chewed on me? Damn, I guess Empy really told the truth about everything and I can trust him with my life and soul, huh!
Now, this one is a little less the ending but moreso the choices leading up to it, regarding the Emperor and Orpheus, in the Astral plane. I understand Empy leaving to join the Netherbrain, frankly. I know it pissed a lot of people off, and some people didn't understand his logic. In character, he prioritizes his survival - his self preservation - above everything. That's his whole motivation for defeating the Netherbrain, essentially. He wants to save the world because he lives in it!
I understand that, in his eyes, freeing Orpheus means he'd lose his independence, and his mind is forfeit - thus, his choice to join the Netherbrain is less of a "well you're being a real meanie so now I join the villain bye" and more of a "if you free him, my mind is forfeit, and then he kills me. If I join the brain, I have 1% of a chance of staying alive, even if my mind is no longer my own. I guess I'll do that then". I can understand him feeling like he has no choice. I think that thought process was not clear to most players, maybe it could be worked on.
Moreso, I think players who trustedhim should be being given the chance to try to change his mind. A very difficult task, which to be successful would require that 1, you have given him trust indeed - and no, I'm not just talking about having fun times with his tentacles. 2, you have to have high enough persuasion for this task, and/or some evidence to support what you're saying, and 3, developed enough Illithid potential (because that ties back into trusting him and even understanding him as an illithid). A sort of "I have trusted you all along, now I'm asking you to trust me" thing. Very difficult to convince a guy who pretty much just cares about himself anything else - he IS Illithid. You could potentially convince him it's too risky to kill Orpheus and assimilate him: remind him of the same thing he says in response to you asking if you can kill Orpheus and take his power - it isn't a garantee that his power doesn't die with him I mean, we know it doesn't, but the characters do not and that is important. I felt like that was kind of overlooked in that dialogue (like most things leading up to the ending, everything happened so fast)
Again, I'm talking about the chance. You can still fail - maybe you don't even get the option to talk about trust if you did not, in fact, trust him at all. If you fail, you either turn against him or go along with him as he wanted. And even if you could convince the Emperor, you'd still have to convince Orpheus to go along with this uneasy alliance. And man, he's not happy with either of you. The Emperor did... all of that *gestures vaguely*. And you reek of Illithid, potentially fornicated witha mind flayer, and slaughtered his honor guard. I get that he'd be pissed off. You'd need to convince him that you all need each other. Orpheus needed you to get the hammer and free him - the honor guard wouldn't have been able to do it by hitting those infernal contraptions over and over, would they? And he needs an Illithid to hold the netherstones - stones that you got, by the way. If you fail to make this makeshift alliance work, then you're forced to either kill Orpheus and let the Emperor snack on his nogging, or you turn on the Emperor and break his little squid heart in the process. Whether he flees and joins the Brain or you kill him... Well. Either would work. The chance to do it, and the possibility to fail at it, would be nice.
I get this could seem like a wishy washy 100% save everyone happy ending thing, which I just criticized above. However, fear not - I can think of negative consequences for it too! In the event of your Illithid potential-ness being bad for your long term health and soul (which... it feels like it should?), it would still have a bittersweetness to it, preventing it from being some sort of ideal utopian good ending that every "good route player" wants to pick. Since, y'know, at least in my opinion, you'd need to be a little mind flayey to convince the Emperor to put his survival instincts on hold for a second or two.
Which brings me back to - what kind of negative consequences should you face if you embraced your Illithid potential anyway? Maybe having a piece of your soul chewed out. Maybe losing it altogether, dependign on how many tadpoles you slurped. Maybe forced ceremorphosis by the end if you destroyed the Absolute but ate all the brainworms you could find. I think that'd be justified. Maybe some brain damage. Something meaningfu, something personal to you. Are you willing to sacrifice your own personal 'good end" for keeping Orpheus alive as well as your sinister looking guardian?
Could also lock you out of certain choices - the Emperor would need to be holding those stones, so you need to actually trust him with that. Could he even be convinced to dominate the Netherbrain when Orpheus is loose and could kick his ass if he went to war with the Githyanki? I don't think so. An uneasy alliance between them would likely lock you out of that particular choice, or becoming a mind flayer yourself (or having Karlach/Orpheus do it in your stead - you already have an Illithid). Could also have Orpheus slap the Emperor in the face in the end, before he leaves to kick Vlaakith's undead butt. It's okay if he does that. I love the Emperor, but he deserves it, I know.
The "evil"/"control" ending, as well, may benefit from some of these suggestions. I suppose talking to your enthralled companions and seeing the full extent of your evil deeds could be fun (or heartwrenching, ahaha, a 'what have I done?' moment) rather than just a cinematic where you (or possibly the Emperor lol) look sinister and evil. Again, the slideshow afterwards would also be cool. Although I understand the "dominate the Netherbrain" ending might not be considered the "canon" one - I use this word loosely - it can still benefit from more closure, even if... negative, haha. A real "look how much chaos you've sown, naughty, naughty player"
I could go on and on, with my suggestions, but this is the gist of it. The most important points to me, regardless of how they would be developed, are: 1. Talking to your companions and other important NPCs that survived the end (which helps point 3 below), getting a chance to discuss where you go to from here. 2. A slideshow with some of the consequences of your minor and major choices, showing what was the impact you had in the world. 3. More closure, and a slower pace. The fast pace of Act 3's ending, starting in the Astral plane and culminating with the ending itself negatively impacts the sense of closure.
I left the game feeling underwhelmed and disappointed. That is not the sentiment you want an ending to have. Bittersweetness from reaching the end of an epic adventure is expected, a sense of accomplishment is ideal, but... being underwhelmed and finding it lackluster is not.
And with that, I leave my little feedback! Whether you agree in full or not, appreciate some points but not others, I hope the criticism is useful. Despite the ending, I truly enjoyed this game - Baldur's Gate 3 is a breath of fresh air in this industry, it is creative and well crafted and I can tell much love went into it. I will continue playing it for years to come. Tha't s my piece! Goodbye 
Joined: Dec 2020
Oh boy! I made a forum account just to add my two cents. I agree with what a lot of people have been saying about the ending. I want to give my opinions and some of the things I feel could improve it. It is absolutely not spoiler free, I only recommend reading my little wall of text if you've finished the game at least once. So to start off, I'm fo the same oinion as many of the players. Act 1 was very well polished, Act 2 was fine but felt a little faster, and Act 3 felt rushed and less detailed. It culminates in the ending feeling like only the choices that had any impact were the "destroy the brain" VS "control the brain". Whether you trusted the Emperor or not, embraced your Illithidness or not, or even whether you freed Orpheus or became Illithid yourself felt like were very minor changes in comparison. It all leads to the same end result. Furthermore, there is not even a chance to try and get Orpheus and the Emperor to work together (a chance, I say!)
Here's what I 'd suggest for the ending itself:
After the final decision, if you picked destroy, there could be a segment where you can move around and talk to your companions and whatever NPCs made it (like, for instance, if they are alive and such: Dame Aylin, The Emperor, Orpheus, Duke Ravenguard, minor NPCs that helped you along the way or in the final battle like Zevlor, and such). Maybe even something like the camp party in the end of Act 1. The main point being, the ability to talk and listen to these NPCs and have more than a few dialogue inputs about where everyone goes from there. And it should change according to your current approval or romance/friend status.
I understand some people were upset by not being able to save Karlach or a "good route" Astarion still burning in the sun - I don't actually think it'd be much benefit to have a 100% happy ending where these problems are magically fixed. I tghink that those facts are, by themselves, fine, but I think players perhaps wanted more closure. Talkign to Astarion after he runs away from the sun would help, I think, like figuring out where he goes from there, whether or not you come with, etc. Same with Karlach. In my endings, where Wyll is around and goes to Avernus with her, it felt like it all happened so fast that there was no sense of closure. I can get where some people are coming from not wanting these problems to exist and wanting a good happy ending for everyone, but I think that the closure would matter more. You can't save everyone, and such, but closure still matters a lot.
The Emperor himself, particularly if you "romanced' him, has barely any lines at all in the end. Orpheus had a bit more, if you freed him, and while that's fine and good, you and the Emperor have kind of gone through a lot together, whether you trusted him or not, and I'd have hoped for a bit more... closure as well, I think. Again, the option to speak to these characters at some length would improve it significantly. I recall there being something like that in the ending of Dragon Age Origins (sorry for being yet another person comparing Baldur's Gate 3 to that game), where before the big ending slideshow/party, you could talk to all your companions that made it as well as some NPCs.
A cutscene with your romanced lover(s) at the end of this "party" or area, if you romanced anyone, would also be nice. And I AM including the squid here! We are "bonded", and I don't even get a word, whether loving because he never had anyone accept him the way he is now, or spurning because he was using me the whole time and now he doesn't need me anymore and we should part ways? Nothing? Not even a crumb, Larian? Come on...
And, my final point about the ending itself: all those sidequests, all those characters you helped or did not help, killed or did not kill... what happened after? What were the minor consequences of your less "important" actions? A slideshow would have been great. For example - the hag from Act 1. What happens if you never even went to her teashouse, what if you killed her then but didn't complete the hag survivors questline in Act 3? What happens to the myconids? What happens in the society of brilliance if Omeluum is alive or dead? And what about your Illithid powers? I admit it is very funny to me as an Emperor enjoyer that if you eat all the tadpoles you want, nothing bad really happens to you. You can literally trust him to the end LOL. Is that meant to be so? Not even a consequence to your soul? Since, y'know, apparently Illithids don't have them, shouldn't yours be at least a little eaten up if you filled your brain with worms? No brain damage from where the worms chewed on me? Damn, I guess Empy really told the truth about everything and I can trust him with my life and soul, huh!
Now, this one is a little less the ending but moreso the choices leading up to it, regarding the Emperor and Orpheus, in the Astral plane. I understand Empy leaving to join the Netherbrain, frankly. I know it pissed a lot of people off, and some people didn't understand his logic. In character, he prioritizes his survival - his self preservation - above everything. That's his whole motivation for defeating the Netherbrain, essentially. He wants to save the world because he lives in it!
I understand that, in his eyes, freeing Orpheus means he'd lose his independence, and his mind is forfeit - thus, his choice to join the Netherbrain is less of a "well you're being a real meanie so now I join the villain bye" and more of a "if you free him, my mind is forfeit, and then he kills me. If I join the brain, I have 1% of a chance of staying alive, even if my mind is no longer my own. I guess I'll do that then". I can understand him feeling like he has no choice. I think that thought process was not clear to most players, maybe it could be worked on.
Moreso, I think players who trustedhim should be being given the chance to try to change his mind. A very difficult task, which to be successful would require that 1, you have given him trust indeed - and no, I'm not just talking about having fun times with his tentacles. 2, you have to have high enough persuasion for this task, and/or some evidence to support what you're saying, and 3, developed enough Illithid potential (because that ties back into trusting him and even understanding him as an illithid). A sort of "I have trusted you all along, now I'm asking you to trust me" thing. Very difficult to convince a guy who pretty much just cares about himself anything else - he IS Illithid. You could potentially convince him it's too risky to kill Orpheus and assimilate him: remind him of the same thing he says in response to you asking if you can kill Orpheus and take his power - it isn't a garantee that his power doesn't die with him I mean, we know it doesn't, but the characters do not and that is important. I felt like that was kind of overlooked in that dialogue (like most things leading up to the ending, everything happened so fast)
Again, I'm talking about the chance. You can still fail - maybe you don't even get the option to talk about trust if you did not, in fact, trust him at all. If you fail, you either turn against him or go along with him as he wanted. And even if you could convince the Emperor, you'd still have to convince Orpheus to go along with this uneasy alliance. And man, he's not happy with either of you. The Emperor did... all of that *gestures vaguely*. And you reek of Illithid, potentially fornicated witha mind flayer, and slaughtered his honor guard. I get that he'd be pissed off. You'd need to convince him that you all need each other. Orpheus needed you to get the hammer and free him - the honor guard wouldn't have been able to do it by hitting those infernal contraptions over and over, would they? And he needs an Illithid to hold the netherstones - stones that you got, by the way. If you fail to make this makeshift alliance work, then you're forced to either kill Orpheus and let the Emperor snack on his nogging, or you turn on the Emperor and break his little squid heart in the process. Whether he flees and joins the Brain or you kill him... Well. Either would work. The chance to do it, and the possibility to fail at it, would be nice.
I get this could seem like a wishy washy 100% save everyone happy ending thing, which I just criticized above. However, fear not - I can think of negative consequences for it too! In the event of your Illithid potential-ness being bad for your long term health and soul (which... it feels like it should?), it would still have a bittersweetness to it, preventing it from being some sort of ideal utopian good ending that every "good route player" wants to pick. Since, y'know, at least in my opinion, you'd need to be a little mind flayey to convince the Emperor to put his survival instincts on hold for a second or two.
Which brings me back to - what kind of negative consequences should you face if you embraced your Illithid potential anyway? Maybe having a piece of your soul chewed out. Maybe losing it altogether, dependign on how many tadpoles you slurped. Maybe forced ceremorphosis by the end if you destroyed the Absolute but ate all the brainworms you could find. I think that'd be justified. Maybe some brain damage. Something meaningfu, something personal to you. Are you willing to sacrifice your own personal 'good end" for keeping Orpheus alive as well as your sinister looking guardian?
Could also lock you out of certain choices - the Emperor would need to be holding those stones, so you need to actually trust him with that. Could he even be convinced to dominate the Netherbrain when Orpheus is loose and could kick his ass if he went to war with the Githyanki? I don't think so. An uneasy alliance between them would likely lock you out of that particular choice, or becoming a mind flayer yourself (or having Karlach/Orpheus do it in your stead - you already have an Illithid). Could also have Orpheus slap the Emperor in the face in the end, before he leaves to kick Vlaakith's undead butt. It's okay if he does that. I love the Emperor, but he deserves it, I know.
The "evil"/"control" ending, as well, may benefit from some of these suggestions. I suppose talking to your enthralled companions and seeing the full extent of your evil deeds could be fun (or heartwrenching, ahaha, a 'what have I done?' moment) rather than just a cinematic where you (or possibly the Emperor lol) look sinister and evil. Again, the slideshow afterwards would also be cool. Although I understand the "dominate the Netherbrain" ending might not be considered the "canon" one - I use this word loosely - it can still benefit from more closure, even if... negative, haha. A real "look how much chaos you've sown, naughty, naughty player"
I could go on and on, with my suggestions, but this is the gist of it. The most important points to me, regardless of how they would be developed, are: 1. Talking to your companions and other important NPCs that survived the end (which helps point 3 below), getting a chance to discuss where you go to from here. 2. A slideshow with some of the consequences of your minor and major choices, showing what was the impact you had in the world. 3. More closure, and a slower pace. The fast pace of Act 3's ending, starting in the Astral plane and culminating with the ending itself negatively impacts the sense of closure.
I left the game feeling underwhelmed and disappointed. That is not the sentiment you want an ending to have. Bittersweetness from reaching the end of an epic adventure is expected, a sense of accomplishment is ideal, but... being underwhelmed and finding it lackluster is not.
And with that, I leave my little feedback! Whether you agree in full or not, appreciate some points but not others, I hope the criticism is useful. Despite the ending, I truly enjoyed this game - Baldur's Gate 3 is a breath of fresh air in this industry, it is creative and well crafted and I can tell much love went into it. I will continue playing it for years to come. Tha't s my piece! Goodbye  ![[Linked Image from media.tenor.com]](https://media.tenor.com/QNRF6Dls3D4AAAAM/i-dont-think-shes-coming-back-victor-sullivan.gif)
Joined: Aug 2023
I honestly can't tell if this is supposed to be a positive or negative reaction... So, I'm happy for you, or sorry that happened!
Joined: Jul 2023
I posted it on Reddit, but I'll post it here too. I just don't feel like in anyway the ending I got was *MY* ending. So I beat the game a few days ago, I legitimately had one of the most fun gaming experiences of my life playing this game. First run, Tactician mode, evil playthrough as normal Tav. What's been bothering me so bad though about the end, is I don't feel like the ending I got or any of the possible 2(?) Endings I could pick were right for my character and the story that lead up to the final battle.
I keep seeing a lot of people say "Well the journey was the ending, so deal with it." But the problem was, my crew had some very specific goals, none of which were acknowledged by any of the two possible endings I could pick.
First we had Astarion, the new Ascended Vampire, whom I was encouraging to do horrible things and seize power with his newfound vile gifts. We talked about how we had each others back and he would take over Baldur's Gate and make it his new Capital of the Damned or something.
Secondly, we had Gale, whom I promised the Crown of Karsus to, and I told him I would assist him in controlling the Netherese Weave so he could become a god of magic and we could control the world together.
Then Lae'zel who was actually the only one who got an appropriate ending, the Githyanki Liberation ending. I have zero complaints with her flying off into the sunset on her dragon with her new bros.(Though I guess they just forgot about Voss)
The Ending. I have 2 Choices. Astarion Prompts me to kill Orpheus as he is controlling the brain- at which point Astarion IMMEDIATELY calls me a crazy person for killing Orpheus. Ok? My only option forward from that is to Mindcontrol my companions and sit in a brain chair. Cut to black. Option 2. Kill the brain- The Brain dies. Gale tells me "Whelp the Crown is in the river somewhere, I'll go find it, see ya." and leaves. Bye forever Gale! Then Astarion just kinda says "Well that was fun!" and that's it. I tried 4 different times, that's no bug, no Ascended Vampire ending. That's the ending. The game proceeds to zoom out and give me a monologue about being the Hero of Baldur's Gate and how I saved all the city folk and how good of a person I am despite plotting to kill all of these people and take over the world for the entire game.
This was not *MY* ending. Nothing in the 120 hours I played or any of the hundreds of conversations I had or thousands of dialogue choices I meticulously picked lead up to this outcome. It felt like the DM got tired, grabbed all his papers and DM screen and winged the ending of his campaign with one foot out the door because I didn't do what he wanted me to or something.
This isn't a rallying cry for something like release the Snyder cut of BG3, this is just me saying, I don't understand what the point of all of those decisions were if they all came down to "Be The Hero Everyone Loves" or "Be The Bad Guy Who Sits In A Chair"
I don't know if it was from Larian or some Game Journo just exaggerated it, but I saw some hogwash about 170,000 possible endings. And while I knew that wasn't going to be the case, I REALLY REALLY did not expect it all to boil down to just two choices.
Last edited by Saradur; 25/08/23 05:29 AM.
Joined: Aug 2023
It really looks like these missing endings, missing part of ending quest to save Karlach and many more is due to removing the Upper city location from the game (I read 2 weeks before the release, but I dont know if it is true.) We probably have to wait until Larian gives us more info and hoping for polishing the whole Act3. As I played as good character and romanced Karlach, after the ending, where my only "good" option was send her to hell with Wyll I was completely speechless.
Joined: Aug 2023
I actually posted a similar thing on the steam forums as this thread's topic. I felt the ending was abrupt and disconnected. It was random lines from random companions. They asked about doing a party and I agreed and next thing I know I am running down a pier to a different spot talking to Karlach. Which was totally confusing. No party scene or anything, just jumped into the future or something.
I romanced Astarion and I was totally upset that he ran off and just had Gale laughing about how we wouldn't see him again and I was just like "excuse me!? What does that mean?" It was just weird that a party member I had in the group exclusively was talked about that way and that I was his romance partner and I was like meh...no reaction about it. I put a lot of effort into making sure I got as many cut scenes and high approval with him for it to be all meh and indifferent. I did get his "good ending" scene, but it would only trigger if I let Karlach die. Then it was very bland. Just a question about what we were going to do now. There was zero intimacy to it. No hand holding, flirting, hugging, or even kissing. It didn't ring like we were a couple, but we're just friends shooting the breeze, which was really surprising with how amazing the cutscenes on his story arc were for him exposing his thoughts and feelings and confessions. Hug and graveyard scenes we're just *chef's kisses* and this ending was so vanilla. Please, Larian, fix the endings.
Joined: Aug 2023
Ive been blocked from finishing the game because of a bug untill today and reading again and again how bad ending is I expected something really bad. With such low expectations Id say its ok. Not great, neither as bad as some say. The only thing I wish we could see some hint for Karlach being up to some way to have a better future and returning to us, or a short scene where she visits us. I kinda like bitter sweet endings the are more emotional and tend to leave a stronge and lasting impression, but she is just too nice to not have something more.
Joined: Aug 2023
I am fine with the ending, really you saved the world who cares what happens to mayrina or the other minor characters, just make up some head cannon. And if we got long winded explanations about what the characters do afterwards it will all be contradicted by the next game or dlc. Maybe it could do with an end of game party with you companions or something, but unless the is the last bg content ever made I don't think there has to be a half hour of endgame slides.
Joined: Jul 2023
I am fine with the ending, really you saved the world who cares what happens My problem was, I wanted to take over the world with my friends. But that wasn't an option, me and the other party members spent all this time planning all these cool things only to be forced to be "The heroes of Baldurs Gate" or Just me executing the mindflayer grand plan with them as mind slaves for no reason YOU may be happy with saving the world. But there are hundreds of options in this game, they should not lead to a binary black or white ending.