For more context/info about rewrites and what we knew from datamining: this video from Harbs Narbs give some pretty good insights.


I don't think Orpheus was supposed to be imprisoned, he played a much more active role, sort of like the emperor does (perhaps it just took you time to "let him in")

I'm mostly concluding that from this datamined line:


I also think the dream person was two different entities appearing as the same figure (daisy and desire). Though the daisy/desire system confuses me a little, here's what I concluded:

Desire is likely Orpheus and Daisy is likely the absolute/emperor/or something else

Only one desire, based on the hosts dream figure (since orpheus/artefact will attached itself to the host)

Daisy doesn't want kith'rak voss to escape (assuming daisy is sided with the absolute, it would make sense they wouldnt' want a githyank, and a seemingly good one, bent on freeing orpheus (the seed to their destruction), to live)

And some more lines from the video I don't know what to make of

Last edited by The Red Queen; 23/08/23 02:26 PM. Reason: Added spoiler tags