Originally Posted by Ixal
Not sure if its correct but I think this change was prompted by Larian turning tadpoles into a progression system and wanting you to use them instead of having story reasons for not using them.

Yes. There seems to have been a 'well, we made these powers, the players should use them without feeling bad' feel to it.

What I'm wondering though is if the issue stems from the camp event/long rest system remaining pretty shaky and prone to bugging out even in release. If you simplify the complex Daisy relationship down to a shallow and benign helper figure, along with the elimination of any cost to the tadpoles, then that's a lot of reactivity that is no longer tied up with a long rest system that never really worked right in EA and still remains difficult to tell what is intended and what isn't in release. But I feel like you could fix that by just allowing more than one camp event to play per long rest. For example, look at Raphael's entrance and how they stripped that from the camp and had him just... abruptly show up around Act 1.