It's not just Halsin.
It's like Larian don't think mechanical ability scores have anything to do with how a character is portrayed in the game. Or how NPC's compare to PC's, who are supposed to be "exceptional".
The reverse is true when regular Flaming Fist and any humanoid race NPC's or minion level enemies start having 21 Strength and Dexterity, or triple 20's in their stats. Meanwhile the "heroes" are being starved with a modest 27 point buy. The fact that Larian not only show but encourage you to examine everyone's stats makes it more glaring.
At least for me it's really annoying seeing that some random low level guardsman has 21 Strength when my 9th level Half-Orc Barbarian has 18, can never even get to 21, and has to make tough decisions whether to raise Strength or pick a feat in the first place. If you maximize Strength, some random low rank NPC template will still be stronger.
As a result of giving everyone stupidly high stats, enemies also have really high Saving Throws and resist spells and abilities much better than PC's. Perhaps this is the reason? To undermine control spells a bit more?
Back to Halsin's Strength.. I respecced him into 16 Str + Saving Throw from Resilience which is the minimum he should have. But I wish I didn't have to do such things for the designers. They should do an ability score pass for every humanoid NPC and PC in the game and make sure the stats are balanced and make sense for the character.
Last edited by 1varangian; 17/08/23 08:04 AM.