Hi ! First of all, sorry for my english skill... i'm french frown

I have a problem or i missed something, but Auntie Ethel is totaly bugged for me. After i talk to her when she was like the Captain Sinistrella, she appeared to me in her real form. But when i did this, i already killed the real Captain Sinistrella in the basement (i didnt know if i can avoid to kill her)

And since this moment, she is like this :


1 HP, cant talk to her, i can attack her/heal her but nothing happen. I think i bugged this quest, the problem is i played like 10 more hours before to come back to try to finish this quest.
I don"t know what to do, between, i saved Mayrina a second time, thinking the quest will continue, but no she is still bugged.

If someone can help me or to confirm me that this quest is bugged for me or maybe for everyone ?