So there is this strange character called He Who Was, an elf followed by a white raven and he asks for your help in summoning the soul of a woman named Madeline for betraying her friends...but he's not being entirely honest. The woman was deceived by a dark justiciar, she did not know her friends were going to be killed, and after the fact if you ask him if he did if for a sick sense of pleasure he replies "maybe, but we both got what we wanted". THIS is exactly the kind of service the Raven Queen asks of her go out into the world and experience strong emotions...whether positive or negative it does not matter...great suffering, great joy, it's all the same to her. The fact he is an elf also makes me think he might be a Shadar-Kai...the most loyal servants of the Raven Queen who also incidentally happen to have gray skin and white hair and He Who Was does have white hair. They look a lot worse for wear in the Shadowfell, which is normally their home and where the Raven Queen resides, but outside of the Shadowfell they do look young an relatively normal which would explain why his skin does not appear gray but still pale. Everything about this character screams Raven Queen but I'm not sure if she's ever even mentioned by name anywhere in the game. Did Larian do this on purpose or was this just coincidence? Some of the online articles talking about him seem label He Who Was as evil, but if he is a follower of the Raven Queen or a Shadar-Kai that would make him true neutral. Neutral characters can perform or enable acts of good or evil but they are not...a follower of the raven queen is just as likely to try to enable an act of great joy as one of great just depends on the opportunities they encounter.
EDIT! Holy crap, it's true! He REALLY IS a Shadar-Kai! I was right! I knew I wasn't insane, but I found confirmation. I was digging around trying to find more information and I ran across this video...if you enter combat the game will show his class under his health bar and it reads
"Shadar-Kai Gloom Weaver"...this is almost as good as confirming the Raven Queen.
Whatever you do, DO NOT kill him! Just help him out because he is a holy messenger of the Raven Queen and we NEED more Raven Queen content whether in BG3 or in Larian's next game. Not asking for a massive story expansion here but maybe they can at least patch in the Raven Queen Warlock subclass and Raven Queen as a deity that Clerics can follow. Larian, if you are reading this, PLEASE!