Interactions with Mol are either heavily bugged or straight-up poorly written.

In 2 play-throughs, both have had major issues. For example: I save the kid from the harpies, save the kid from the druids, and even save the pickpocket from the adventurer (granted - after the adventurer hit him).

I go visit Mol and she is pissed off that I let the adventurer hit the pickpocket. No mention of the various heroics or the fact that I lied to the guard for the kid, getting the adventurer knocked out. She gets pissed. I persuade her to give me a second chance. She tells me to leave and not return. Before I can even click the mouse, she asks what I'm still doing there and tells me to leave again. This repeats a third time except now she threatens me.

We all know what's coming now... later on, the guards accost me as Mol claims I've been threatening the kids. 1) how utterly stupid does the guard have to be to fall for this in the first place. 2) why are my dialog options a) attack, b) go to jail quietly, c) deception? I never threatened Mol, therefore no deception should be required. This should be a simple persuasion check at worst, not a DC 20 deception check.

I have yet to ever have a bug free interaction with Mol in act 1 either in EA or release.