It's best to get out of that mindset of thinking in terms of "DPS" entirely, and just look at your rogue as a very strong utility character who might deal a particularly brutal precision attack here and there, and might spend the rest of their time setting up for that or creeping into a dark corner where they can chuck potions or trigger environmental damage. This is Dungeons & Dragons, not World of Warcraft; your characters can be very effective by not leaning into just one aspect of their character at a time, and classes like the rogue can be very situational. My halfling bard is a dual-wielding evasion sponge who spends half her time stabbing potions for group heals and half her time stabbing the daylights out of things, and a further half of her time spellcasting. Yes, that is three halves. Every battle is different.

Also, don't sleep on weapon coatings or using the Dip action. When all else fails, drop a candle and dip.