Joined: Aug 2023
I dont get why some of you call the mc tav. Yes its a placeholder when you name your character but it simply stands for gustav which was the codename for baldurs gate in ea and is also the name of svens dog. Mc makes way more sense or protag/hero whatever. This game hasnt a canon name for the protagonist its all about your choices
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We use it as shorthand for a custom player character/protagonist, as opposed to an origin or Durge player character/protagonist.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Dec 2020
![[Linked Image from media.tenor.com]](https://media.tenor.com/h2W-s5HrvdMAAAAC/math-hangover.gif) Seriously though, linguistically, Tav makes perfect sense. Everyone knows EXACTLY what you mean when you say Tav. If you simply say MC, that just means your main character, which could be a dark urge, or any of the origin companions. Tav perfectly explains what Tav is, a custom non-origin, non-dark urge main character.
Last edited by Boblawblah; 19/08/23 10:16 PM.
Joined: Aug 2023
Of course Tav isnt canon buts a Meme since Early Access because people forget to name their character and ended up with a Tav protagonist. Its not that deep and that the reason some are using it
Joined: Aug 2023
Okay now i get it. Happened to me as well. It was very hidden. Thanks for clarifying
Joined: Jan 2018
CHARNAME wasn’t the canon name of the BG1/2 protagonist either. It’s not really more convenient. Just fun to write / say.
Joined: Dec 2020
Woah woah, you are telling me the Bhaalspawn who saved the SC wasn't called CHARNAME?
Minthara is the best character and she NEEDS to be recruitable if you side with the grove! Also- I support the important thread in the suggestions: Let everyone in the Party Speak
Joined: Aug 2023
Yeah Tav is just a placeholder nothing more. I think op knows now that its just a meme and why some people say it. Its even a meme by larian themselves. Whats the point of character creation and to name a character when he already has a name and fixed looks etc....also tav already sounds like a meme lol. But the baalspawn from bg2.....there was a horrible novel. Novels, comics etc dont make anything canon but didnt wotc adapdet that story and made it canon? A lot of people were p* at that. I think wotc dont consider that story canon anymore
Last edited by Falloutboy; 19/08/23 11:43 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
Woah woah, you are telling me the Bhaalspawn who saved the SC wasn't called CHARNAME? I was wondering what name Jaheria was going use and when she said "Gorian's ward" I thought "I really wanted you say CHARNAME" Glad she didn't say Abdel
Joined: Dec 2020
Woah woah, you are telling me the Bhaalspawn who saved the SC wasn't called CHARNAME? I was wondering what name Jaheria was going use and when she said "Gorian's ward" I thought "I really wanted you say CHARNAME" Glad she didn't say Abdel I still havent forgiven MtG for going with Abdel not CHARNAME it would have been hilarious
Minthara is the best character and she NEEDS to be recruitable if you side with the grove! Also- I support the important thread in the suggestions: Let everyone in the Party Speak
Joined: Mar 2022
The real tav is durge. Tav gets none of the durge content, durge gets all the tav content, all the reactivity from Gortesh offers you a unique deal that no one else gets, Orin is your sister and offers you a deal, Emperor flat out fears your power, and does not fear anyone else, bhall latterly makes you God like. . It's not even close.
Last edited by AusarViled; 20/08/23 05:54 AM.
Joined: Aug 2023
I personally never say tav as well even if its a meme even from the devs. Mc or avatar is the canon definition of the character even in the game
Last edited by Falloutboy; 20/08/23 08:40 AM.
Joined: Aug 2023
The real tav is durge. Tav gets none of the durge content, durge gets all the tav content, all the reactivity from Gortesh offers you a unique deal that no one else gets, Orin is your sister and offers you a deal, Emperor flat out fears your power, and does not fear anyone else, bhall latterly makes you God like. . It's not even close. There is no real Main Character. There is only your canon or headcanon like it should be
Joined: Aug 2023
Woah woah, you are telling me the Bhaalspawn who saved the SC wasn't called CHARNAME? I was wondering what name Jaheria was going use and when she said "Gorian's ward" I thought "I really wanted you say CHARNAME" Glad she didn't say Abdel I still havent forgiven MtG for going with Abdel not CHARNAME it would have been hilarious Even Wotc doont consider Abdel canon anymore. Novels usually dont make anything canon but wotc adapted that novel but it seems they already stepped away from it. What a crappy decission from the get go it ruins the players story completely
Joined: Dec 2020
They could have made a CHARNAME for every colour combination and gone hog with it, maybe one card for each of the default portraits. think of all the cash monies they missed out on.
Minthara is the best character and she NEEDS to be recruitable if you side with the grove! Also- I support the important thread in the suggestions: Let everyone in the Party Speak
Joined: Oct 2020
Woah woah, you are telling me the Bhaalspawn who saved the SC wasn't called CHARNAME? I was wondering what name Jaheria was going use and when she said "Gorian's ward" I thought "I really wanted you say CHARNAME" Glad she didn't say Abdel I still havent forgiven MtG for going with Abdel not CHARNAME it would have been hilarious Even Wotc doont consider Abdel canon anymore. Novels usually dont make anything canon but wotc adapted that novel but it seems they already stepped away from it. What a crappy decission from the get go it ruins the players story completely He get's mentioned by name in the game. Though there are some Bhaalspawn novels that Jaheira defaced and discredited that were obviously stand-ins for the shit RL novels. It seems like the BG 1 and 2 'novels' are cannon, though the events depicted in them, other than some broad strokes, are fictionalized garbage.
Back from timeout.
Joined: Aug 2014
avatar ? ratava ? tava ? tav
That's how the word evolved from circa 1964 until 1989. Since then, it hasn't changed much.
Joined: Aug 2023
Of course Tav isnt canon buts a Meme since Early Access because people forget to name their character and ended up with a Tav protagonist. Its not that deep and that the reason some are using it Okay now i get it. Happened to me as well. It was very hidden. Thanks for clarifying Forget to quote avatar ? ratava ? tava ? tav
That's how the word evolved from circa 1964 until 1989. Since then, it hasn't changed much. Is that real? Isn’t tav in this game a meme because it was called project gustav?(bg3) Is tav also a shortener for avatar?
Last edited by Chrislemale; 20/08/23 04:04 PM.
Joined: Aug 2023
I finished the game 2 times and she never said abdel. The novels were adapted by wotc but like the previous poster said it looks like not anymore. I don’t consider abdel as the canon name anyway. It really ruins every decision you make in bg2 and 1
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WotC have a very flexible approach to canon, which I find can be frustrating sometimes and a relief at others. There's an article on the subject on the FR wiki at https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Forgotten_Realms_Wiki:Canon that I found quite helpful. Oh, and yes my understanding is that "Tav" indeed was inspired by "Gustav", though that's not to say that Larian didn't consider that the name might be fitting for other reasons. When I first saw it (before I heard about Project Gustav) I wondered if it were connected to the Wheel of Time Ta'veren which would be quite fitting in some ways if entirely the wrong universe!
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"