Originally Posted by benbaxter
People keep throwing out Halsin as polyamorous, but he isn't really amorous at all. He just seems down to fuck after he gets to know you a bit. He isn't intetested in any real relationship.
I do find it interesting how the other romance options recognize Halsin for the fling he is, and don't mind you spending time with him. Especially strange are those who otherwise are seeking to keep you for themselves.

Yes on one side he is clearly written just as a fling but then again - if this is all Larian intended for him, then why do you need to wait until act 3 before you can have the sex/romance scene with him? The shadow curse weighs so heavily upon him? So in all this time during the curse he never had a lover? And was never going to take one unless the curse was lifted? That is some dedication, especially if it is just sex - can't be then much of a distraction to him.

If it is just about sex with him they could have had a sex scene at the camp celebration and maybe later just a fade to black so they don't have to animate multiple sex scenes. Would not be much of Halsin content but at least then it makes sense. He is just there to have fun with and that's it.

But then again if you look at his dialog and what they did include like a romance ending (even if it is crap) and the dryade scene that you can have with all love interests, and that he is not a sex option from the start but waits to be with Tav (if he is only interested in sex, why wait? If he hopes for a romantic relationship it makes more sense that he waits to get to know Tav better) and that he speaks about his stirring heart and that it doesn't stir lightly.....

He has quite the romantic dialog lines but then it comes all crushing down when you play because he backs out again...

So it really looks like he wasn't just written to be a fling but a romance option too but somehow it is mixed right now.

I understand that they didn't had much time because he was included late (and it is amazing they did include him at all). But it wouldn't take too much effort to fix it at least a little bit. A little dialog change in the end that the player can go with him would already be a start. Maybe him telling that he never was one for lasting relationships but with Tav he wants to try.

IF they have more time then more fixes would be nice like to be able to speak with him about that time he was held as a sex slave in the underdark and maybe helping him working through that (he sounds ok with it now but maybe that is even the reason he has issues with relationships? Even if it was just 3 years, that must have been traumatic).

And when he says his heart doesn't stir lightly you can give a response that it seems it does (stir lightly) and he will again tell Tav about his lovers (elf maidens, pirate and that he had been multiple time to the underdark) - I am sorry but that doesn't make sense to me. It is implied he has now feelings for Tav and then he tells about his lovers and adventures (sexual?) in the underdark and that is the explanation that his heart doesn't stir lightly? That he already had so much lovers?

And a clear separation between "just let us have sex no strings attached" and "I am in love with you" would be really nice.

Do you have certain things you would like to have included if there were to be a fix for him?