What Turnip said wouldn't make Wizard better vs Sorcerer though, or? That's your main complaint, right? I really enjoyed the playthrough with my Wizard. It's my favorite class usually. It's probably not the best class in BG3, but it seemed fine to me.

I don't see how you can compare re-speccing to learning spells with scrolls and then easily adapting on the fly to whatever you need. Your spell loadout is fine, but as a Wizard you just have many more options and can try those out easily (I think I had all of yours except Ray plus things like Thunderwave, Haste, Conjure Elemental, Banishment around the same time). Need Feather Fall, or Knock? Two clicks and you have them. Same is true for sub-classes. Want a blaster, Evoker. But you can also play a Necromancer, a Wizard who relies mostly on CC and so on. There a so many fun spells in BG3 and as a Wizard you can have enjoy and play around with them all.

Is a Wizard better than a Sorc in battle? Probably not, but I don't think that's a big issue. You still do plenty of damage if you want to play a Wizard instead of a Sorcerer. Metamagic is powerful and a lot of fun (I play a Sorc on my second playthrough), but I do feel much more limited with my spell selection and overall less helpful outside of combat, except for dialogues where Charisma is great. Sorc also has some really fun lines, whereas most of the creativity of the Wizard dialogue options were likely spent on Gale and Elminster.

Itemization generally seems to be better for melee classes, and in terms of dialogue options, the team clearly had more fun with some races and classes than others, but I don't think you can say a Wizard is 100% trash in this game.