Originally Posted by Timoleth
Originally Posted by Boblawblah
Tell me when you can play a completely good Dark Urge without having to pass difficult skill checks and/or metagaming to purposely knock out certain characters.

Yes and no. Yes, you can play Durge to be mostly the same level of good as Custom Tav. Ther are, however Wisdom checks, some of them are quite difficult, and if you fail them things will go very bad indeed. Also, there are unavoidable situations where things go bad. Very, very bad. Arguably not your fault, but part of the Durge plot and can be quite frustrating if you play good. All in all, I think a good Durge offers an interesting playthrough and a character with some depth as far as I got, but in a way that makes me think of someone with a multiple personality disorder. Good Durge is a person with a very dark personality twist, not your paladin fighting some basic inner vices sort…
The Dark Urge offers some challenge to being good...do you just want the easy way, the cheap win, or will you face some hardship, to be able to say you actually overcame something to be called good or a hero? And the payoff for the extra bits of hardship is insanely awesome. You can also eliminate all risk if you, as the player, choose to obey just one time, at a key moment, when you are asked to take out a non-party NPC...that will spare you the difficult dice rolls and the severe outcomes that could come from failing them. Plus you are awarded with a rather powerful ability for the one-time compliance as well. It's hardly the worst thing in the world to comply once...though it CAN be the worst thing in the world if you refuse and then don't make the wisdom saving throws. But still...it is a one off event. And given the potential severity of what happens if you don't make those saving throws it might also be worth having a one-time dabble into save scumming should things go wrong...though you might not have a choice as it will be difficult to survive the outcome of failing the saving throw so you may have to reload a few times regardless.

Personally I don't think it's that big of a deal to give in a few times. There are no extra rewards or incentives for total purity.