Originally Posted by Boblawblah
Then you absolutely (no pun intended) cannot play as a good Dark Urge without some luck, so this whole nonsense that DU is just Tav+ is nonsense.
A one time high risk doesn't change the fact the Dark Urge is Tav+...because it literally is. You literally get an extra plot twist to the main story(two if you know the lore of the dead three and how they came to power, thought the second one isn't explicitly spelled out for you if the revelation flies over your head) and one of the most amazing scenes in the game by far. It's also no big deal to comply one time with the one specific request to take out a non-party NPC to eliminate all risk. The Dark Urge doesn't really force into into a whole lot...you can limit the damage to just one unimportant and inconsequential NPC lost while you sleep and the benefits for being the Dark Urge just in the extra lore and plot-twists is invaluable. Seriously, it absolutely is worth to always take Dark Urge over Tav every single time.