While some that might well have been cut quite late (eg things recently suggested that would be in by Sven or other devs), I wouldnt treat datamining as a particularly reliable source for what was intended to be in the final game.
BG3 was in development for long time, and its likely they played around with a lot of different ideas. Uncovering scraps of unused files can give an indication of things that someone did some work on at some point, but as far as Im aware doesnt tell you how well fleshed out or how well integrated into the game it ever was. Some of this could well be stuff that was never developed to any real extent.
That said, if any of it was close to being ready to go, Id be more than happy if Larian decide to reinstate it for a definitive edition or whatever.
As for point 26:
26) Mol and Raphael - Isn't it odd how Mol will just escape from Raphael on her own and say it was "easy?" Well it turns out that's because they cut whatever the final leg of that quest was meant to be, instead they allow Mol to escape on her own which more or less skips to the end and around the cut content.
No, its not odd at all. Its obvious Mol took the deal, not just because she escaped, but because shes exactly where she wanted to be, in the guild.
Furthermore, you can find her contract in the House of Hope and later talk to her about it, give it to her and/or tell her you dispatched Raphael.