Originally Posted by Miravlix
Originally Posted by Boblawblah
Then you absolutely (no pun intended) cannot play as a good Dark Urge without some luck, so this whole nonsense that DU is just Tav+ is nonsense.

You are basically saying that Jessica is evil and bad because Kilgore has mind powers to make her do bad stuff?

If you choose to play any character background including custom as murderhobo, that has NOTHING to do with being a dark urge, this is something ALL avatars can do and in that case the role you have created is insanely bad.

The stuff that ONLY exist due to having the dark urge background isn't evil, Paladin can be Dark Urges. Even failing to stop yourself from killing your love interest or any other DU only stuff, is perfectly okay for even a Lawful Good Paladin, as long as you are trying to resist. This is a fantasy world, where I can cast a spell on you and FORCE you to do anything as long as the avatar tries to fight the urges, he is fine and a good dark urge, even if he fails EVERY SINGLE dice roll to stop himself. Failing DOES NOT MAKE YOU EVIL!

Here, let me frame my issue.

- I want to play a custom character.
- I want to play a good character that is in complete control of their actions.
- A certain NPC that is core to the Dark Urge experience is one of my favorite NPCs in the game. If anything were to happen to them because of something that I simply couldn't control but it was because of MY character, I would simply stop playing. (no, i'm not exaggerating)

Now, with those three points, can you argue that Dark Urge is simply a Tav+ in every way?

Last edited by Boblawblah; 22/08/23 02:24 PM.