I think it is really weird how for one people assume that you just didn't try Wizard or that it is all down to 5E while completing ignoring how Larian homebrew massively benefits the Sorcerer.

Looking at general rule changes we have:
  • Being able to cast more than one levelled spell per turn is a massive buff to Quicken metamagic
  • It make Haste much more powerful and Sorcerers can twin it - moreover twinning spells is multiplicative with the extra spellcast action, meaning Sorcerers benefit more than Wizards
  • Easy and cheap respec gives you almost the same flexibility as a Wizard
  • A defining feature of Wizards (learning spells from scrolls) is given to every full caster for the low cost of a one level dip in Wizard
  • Wizard passive boni like sculpt spells apply to Sorcerer spells

If we compare more specific changes just to Sorcerers also got buffed by:

  • The level 14 bloodline feature is given at level 11
  • You get an extra metamagic pick
  • Heightened Spell is intended to apply only one target. Applying it to all is another massive buff.

In contrasts, Wizard do not get their (often powerful) level 14 features early - which means in the context of BG 3 that they do not get it at all.

The evoker bonus isn't too bad, but a draconic bloodline buff to Fire is almost as useful. Just use scorching ray instead of Magic Missile. It also comes with an AC bonus (meaning you do not need Mage Armor = essentially 1 free spell pick) and extra hit points. Most of the time you don't really want to spend a Level 5 slot on an upcast Magic Missile instead of Fireball or another AoE spell anyway.

Fact is that you don't need the flexibility. Many spells are bad and the amount of spells a Sorcerers gets is plenty.

The main thing that Wizards have over Sorcerer is better summons, especially Elementals. That's one more reason why the Evoker (2) + Draconic Bloodline (10) is so powerful, since you also get the Wizard exclusive spells.

5e Wizard vs Sorcerer balance is fine. It is Larian who screwed up. This is not even mentioning relatively minor and trivial issues like scribing scrolls being too expensive compared to magic items - scribing scrolls follows RAW exactly but all other items are priced too cheaply.

I'd propose that Larian should implement a somewhat buffed Metamagic Adept Feat, that gives half your level rounded down Sorcery points instead of a a fixed 2. Given how easily Sorcerers can obtain the main advantages of the Wizard, this is only fair.