Originally Posted by G3ns4i
Originally Posted by booboo
That is not not about tactics - it's about luck.
When you rely on rolling dice for a successful hit on a knockdown opponent, it is about luck ^^ And part of the genre/game mechanic.

I don't think that's what they are referring to, though. The dice rolls for things like saves, attack rolls, damage, etc are definitely part of the game. I don't know if I agree with the examples they posted above, but I do agree it's an issue especially in certain fights where you are forced into bottlenecks against unwinnable odds where your main option to win is increasing your own numbers or trying the fight, dying, then save scumming.

The problem is that the game puts you in unwinnable situations either due to design and/or AI. There are a lot of situations where you face 10, 15, or 20+ mobs at once in a small area with a narrow entryway and the enemy AI may just choose one PC to beat up on. In that case, there is nothing you can do and they just die and hope they choose differently next time, which encourages save scumming. In a tabletop game, unless your DM is just an ahole, this won't happen, but with a computer making these decisions, IMO they should do something to even the odds a bit and prevent this from happening. Players shouldn't be dying during encounters the first time there solely because they didn't know the fight was coming or the mechanics of it, there should be some way to adapt to it without getting killed. Again the way it is now in places encourages people to go in, die, then try again rather than giving them a chance to adapt.

This is a major problem in Act III where you are outnumbered 4 or 5 to 1 in several cases. IMO there should be some kind of bonus to initiative if there is a major level discrepancy or if characters are outnumbered beyond a certain threshold. Either that and/or let combat buffs idle until turn based mode starts so you can buff beforehand without it wearing off

Last edited by Shinook; 23/08/23 02:41 PM.