Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by Miravlix
... a good dark urge, even if he fails EVERY SINGLE dice roll to stop himself. Failing DOES NOT MAKE YOU EVIL!
Wrong. Failing does exactly represent you being evil or doing something evil. The checks are merely a mechanical abstraction. What they represent, pass or fail, is your character's actual thoughts/words/actions.

"Good Dark Urge" is the ultimate oxymoron in BG3. Good Dark Urge simply does not exist.

I think the best you can hope for with durge is really just a tragic villain that doesn't want to be the bad guy but patently can't control themselves. I love the turmoil and depth this creates beyond twirly mustache evil, but it is certainly a character with a pre-existing story just like the others. Attaching your own head-canon is bound to backfire on any of the origins.

Last edited by The Frosthaven; 23/08/23 06:42 PM.

Justice For Karlach.