Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by Miravlix
... a good dark urge, even if he fails EVERY SINGLE dice roll to stop himself. Failing DOES NOT MAKE YOU EVIL!
Wrong. Failing does exactly represent you being evil or doing something evil. The checks are merely a mechanical abstraction. What they represent, pass or fail, is your character's actual thoughts/words/actions.

"Good Dark Urge" is the ultimate oxymoron in BG3. Good Dark Urge simply does not exist.

Agreed with the rolling point completely. If I give in a eat that extra slice of pizza, I'm essentially rolling, failing doesn't absolve me of the consequences in any sense, it means that I CHOSE to do one thing instead of another thing.
The Dark Urge failing that wisdom save and murdering someone is absolutely who they are. The player might not have chosen that decision, but the character itself did.

Now, if they allowed DU to avoid anything nasty every time without having to roll for it, then yes, you could have a good DU imo, but as it is, no way. Calling it Tav+ is objectively wrong. It would have to have everything Tav has, with additions. What it actually does is force you down a very specific path, removing player agency while doing it.