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So I just finished the game after 125 hours. I wouldn't say I'm disapointed but I'm not really satisfied either.

So many things happend in act 1. You had almost constantly new dialogs with your companions. There was always something happening in camp. It felt very immersive, you got to know the characters. I loved it. But as I kept playing and continuing with the story it felt like it became less and less of these kind of interactions. It didn't feel as deep and in act 3 it was basically completely gone. Almost no reactions anymore, no new dialog options other then with jaheira or minsc.

Nothing happened with him anymore after he read about the crown in the book store. Why? Such a lose end.

About the ending in general:
My character became a mindflayer and kills herself in the end. There were absolutely no reactions from the companions, only jaheira "stop it" and that was it. Like why? We have been together through so much and no one cares? No final goodbyes or whatever?

All the characters had no depth in act 3 compared to act 1. To me that's what killed my fun for playing the game a bit sadly. In act 1 I couldn't stop playing, always wanting to know what happens next. Act 3 felt more like just get it done to see how the story ends.

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+1, I am in the same camp.

I was so impressed by Act 1. I've beat the game at this point and just started a Dark Urge playthrough. So I've got a different perspective now.

And coming off Act 3 and the ending and diving into a new playthrough really REALLY shows that all the effort went into the first 2 acts.

I'm back to salivating for the next long rest just so I can see what happens next! And knowing that in Act 2 but mostly Act 3, no one has anything to say about anything and there isn't any interesting camp events anymore makes it all kind of sobering.

For context, I had Orpheus become a mindflayer instead so my ending will be slightly different than yours so spoilers:

I also romanced Astarion in my first playthrough and the amount of depth he has doesn't fit the rest of the game or ending at all. I kind of can't believe the same people who created Astarion also created Wyll or an ending where Astarion burning in the sun is a joke, Gale gets no resolution for his quest, in my playthrough Shadowheart literally says nothing at the end, I didn't even get to see Jaheira or Halsin, Karlach gets all the attention (this was post Patch 2), and for some reason Wyll is acting like we're buddies even though we had the worst relationship the whole way through?
And my boy Astarion basically gives me a sentence of "Yay! We win! Okay, bye." goodbye kiss. No thoughts on not being able to be in the sun.
There's even a sentence that you can say that says "Everyone, why won't we go have a party? Drinks are one me!" and the response is "We're down for that!" but....nothing. No party. Karlach and Wyll go to Avernus, I have 0 clue what Shadowheart does cause she doesn't speak, Lae'zel goes off basically flipping off the whole group, and Halsin and Jaheira are nowhere to be found.

The TLDR of all of this is the ending and the unengaging Act 3 is the worst and biggest reason this game remains in EA in my mind. It's not finished. It needs work. I love it and hate it with equal measure.

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I think what did it for me was the lack of companion dialogue through act 3 there was so much to talk about with them previously, it made me feel distant to them with the lack of it.

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I definitely preferred act 1 and 2 - act 3 won my over but the whole end mission did not, especially with some of the choices - which narratively did not make any sense to me. Also, if they really do decide to do a DLC they've hamstrung themselves to tying it to before the ending of act 3 which given the urgency makes no sense, unless we're going with a whole different roster of characters ?

I feel being made to become Illithid made NO sense - I think it could have been an option for someone if they wanted to do the world domination / bad ending - but it made no sense if you were trying to not use the tadpole. I went from not using any tadpole powers to having to become a mindflayer (I chose to free Orpheus) it also did NOT make sense how the Emperor just decides to throw the baby out with the bathwater because you do free Orpheus. He spends the whole game trying to fight the netherbrain only to join him. I think there should have been some high CHA option which would have allowed for a Orpheus / Emperor temporary alliance. I think some of us wanted a good ending and I felt like there wasn't really a good ending - Someone got screwed over. I would love it if Larian made a change to the endings to cater for this in a definitive edition, as well as add expanded endings. Otherwise I just feel mass effected.

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why does anyone need to become an illithid if you choose to blow up the brain with gale's orb?

Last edited by Asdrubalex; 13/09/23 09:07 AM.
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Originally Posted by Asdrubalex
why does anyone need to become an illithid if you choose to blow up the brain with gale's orb?

At this point I don't think they properly play tested act 3, or the main story. Too many things are inconsistent and the acts don't gel together.

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Originally Posted by Liley
So many things happend in act 1. You had almost constantly new dialogs with your companions. There was always something happening in camp. It felt very immersive, you got to know the characters. I loved it. But as I kept playing and continuing with the story it felt like it became less and less of these kind of interactions. It didn't feel as deep and in act 3 it was basically completely gone. Almost no reactions anymore, no new dialog options other then with jaheira or minsc.

I completely agree with this 100%. Act 1 was so much fun. I enjoyed going to rest at camp as there was always something going on there, companions had things to say, some scenes played here and there, but then...they went to the Underdark and all became silent. They did say some stuff from time to time, but it wasn't in any way as engaging and interesting as it was in the Grove or the Goblin camp. Act 2 main quest was great, but for me the companions were too silent there too as well as in Act 3.

I wrote a post with suggestions about this exact problem on the Feedback section of the forum for Larian to read, but idk if they are going to add more content related to the companions. I hope they do add more scenes, reactions and interactions as the rest of the game feels empty in comparison and it's such a shame as all the companions are amazing in their own way.

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Joined: Dec 2020
I finally finished the game too. Took me a while due to illness and real life interfering.

In general, I love this game and I'm mostly ok with act 3 and the ending. I was engaged and had fun.
But I do think, some things could have been handled better:

-Why should anyone become a mindflayer, if we side with Orpheus? I think, he should be the mindflayer free solution. I had Karlach with me and she offered, because she hoped that this was her only chance to live and I must say, she is probably the most cheerful mindflayer I've ever encountered ( I thought, that this was her good ending and she would die otherwise, I only read afterwards, that there is the option for her to go back to Avernus with Wyll, which I guess is ok too. )

I would have loved to be able to talk to everyone afterwards. The already mentioned party would have been ideal.

I think, they did Astarion dirty- and I say that as someone who merely tolerate him. I stopped him from ascending and he became a better person afterwards and then he just ran off? I wish, there would be said party and he would be there and we could find a solution together as a team.

I want to know that my animals are ok, Scratch, Owly and Grub ( I didn't use Owly in the fight, I can't risk that my baby gets hurt by a mean dragon or nautiloid).

I want to see, how the NPCs you meet are faring after the events

Loved the epilogue with Withers/Jergal though

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
Liley #899313 18/09/23 04:56 PM
Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
I had the same feeling, act 1 is perfect, with interaction with the companions at all times and several unique scenes. As the game progresses they fall a lot and in act 3 there is almost no interaction with them. For me, the game's difference is the interaction with companions and the romance. I would like additional scenes in act 3, especially for the romances.

At the end of the game, I was very disappointed, I spent 125 hours on my campaign, I used Gale throughout the game from the beginning, I developed romance and in the end he barely spoke to me and left... I felt cheated by him and completely dispensable.

Apart from Halsin's very basic speech and others who only had one line of speech.

For me, this game is more about friendships, romances and adventures that we develop with our companions, but this was not reflected in the game's final scene.

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Joined: Aug 2023
I agree that they should take a page out of New Vegas ending

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I theorize that they have a DLC or BG4 cooking in the background which will involve some characters from BG3, and they still brainstorm at what the story should be about, so they won't release any epilogues anytime soon, if ever!

But this does NOT excuse Larian for releasing an incomplete game!

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Joined: Sep 2023
After reading up on how it ends and the choices you have, it feels extremely underwhelming and very disappointing. After loving Act I and Act II, I really don't know if I want to finish the game.....

I hope it gets a ME3 style redo to sort the end mission out

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Location: Russia (USSR)
Joined: Sep 2023
Location: Russia (USSR)
To be honest, I didn't understand where the boundary is between the first and second acts. But before the fight with Keteric Torm it was one game, and after that it was completely different. Before was roleplay game, but now is...
I'm standing in the middle of the throne room. Right now I've killed Gortash and Orin (a little earlier), the Emperor came to me to ask to go to the final battle, - and I just don't want to go there.
Karlach had a tantrum. She doesn't want to die. She doesn't understand what the point is, - and I feel something similar.
Wyll is upset that I didn't have any non-lethal arrows for his father.
I don't trust the Emperor. I have no sympathy for him. Frankly, I don't like him at all.
I don't trust Orpheus. I don't know him personally, but I'm pretty sure it will be difficult to find a common language with him. I foresee that I will want to tell him "bro, you missed so much important that just trust me: you DON'T WANT my retelling. Just make yourself off and don't get in the way".
I don't like Gale's idea. I don't like his relationship with his goddess-girlfriend. I didn't like that I had a shahid in my squad who could blow himself and all of us to hell. But after the idea of don't blow himself and taking over the world, I like Gail even less.
The remnants of role-playing behavior make my character go and get drunk to the state of a jellyfish

keep in mind that everything you say will be translated by Google and misunderstood
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To me act 3 feels unfinished and rushed and buggy. I loved act 1 and 2, enjoyed it thoroughly with the exception of the disgusting squid, but at least he wasn't shoved on me that much in earlier acts. His story/character I can do without completely.

Although I did enjoy the exploration of the city on my first run, it becomes more of a chore after that.

The game is bugged for me and even with a LOT of metagaming some quests don't play nicely.

I don't even want to start on the companions cutscenes, no matter what I do and how much I rest, some of them just never trigger for me.

Surprisingly I don't have any performance problems, no crushes, no freezes, no drastic fps drops.

There is NO real choice to be made besides who becomes a squid or who blows up the brain. The only thing I'm happy about is that I can finally slice the Emperor (that slimy squid has been forced into my throat through the whole game). IMHO the ending as a whole is a slap in the face. If I chose to dominate the brain then why can't I be selective as to not to enslave my companions? I'm forced to destroy it or enslave my beloved? The epilogue is even worse, you get 2-3 lines from your romance (in my case Astarion) if you're lucky for the after battle scene to trigger.

Surprisingly companions have very little to say in act 3 with all the life changing decisions going on. They were very opinionated in act 1.

I'm to the point that I just stop playing before the end battle, there is no enticement for me to proceed knowing the end result.

We'll see what patch 3 brings, fingers crossed.

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I don't know if someone already mentioned my following sentences... But this was the most annoying thing regarding in game decisions for me

why must someone become an illithid why is there no dialogue option like "no we will find a way to win without becoming a tentacle monster"?

It just feels wrong to become the one thing you are working not to become from the start of the game.

Yes ofc you can let Orpheus go for it AFAIK but he is for me too innocent to go this way right after he got his freedom. Feels like a death sentence if I give him this burden. (just from a good playthrough PoV)

Is it just me or does it really feel wrong?

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old hand
old hand
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Originally Posted by Erenior

Is it just me or does it really feel wrong?

You're not alone, a good number of people seem to feel the same way. If only we could ask Omeluum for help.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Having completed the game very recently, my thoughts about the endgame are:

Act 3 is easily the weakest part. Jumping right off the bat with the appearance of Orin and the murder quest felt a bit flat. I didn't spend enough time with any of the NPCs inside Baldur's Gate to care about whether or not saving them was important so I did everything else and Orin's appearances neither surprised me or shocked me at all.
It's the dead body of a random priest I don't remember the name of killed in some way. I didn't care. Oh hey it's a blacksmith, he starts asking questions about killing, okay Orin, you can shapeshift. Great. Literally the first two NPCs I talked to were Orin.
It's just too in your face.

Orin in my mind should have only made an appearance in Baldur's Gate once you've spent some time in there talking to people getting to know the city. You do a few quests and THEN it turns out you were talking to Orin at some point. You have no idea when. Was that guard who asked you to take care of a thug Orin the entire time?

Don't get me started on Gortash. People have already talked about his appearance so I won't go into that. His introduction was completely meh. The plot involving Gortash was underwhelming.
You have the option to ally with him to take down Orin, but I've already taken down Ketheric so at that point why do I care? He doesn't give you enough of a reason to ally with him to begin with, and he turns on you pretty much immediately if you want to save the Archduke as well. For a master of intrigue and manipulation to blatantly turn against you in your face was stupid. What he should have done was play nice until you got out and when you go to fight to Nether brain, if you rescued the Archduke despite his warning, he stabs you in the back so you have to fight him first. If you don't rescue the Archduke, and you allied with him, he helps you but you feel that he could turn on you at any moment and he never does? At least he should have a chance to betray you or based on some other factor, maybe a Steel Watcher sees you talking to a Deep Gnome and he sees it as a sign you're looking to undermine his authority, perhaps he knows you talked to his parents. He's not very subtle and if you're stupid enough to trust his pudgy little face and give him all three stones, then you deserve it. Otherwise he just dies in the cut scene if he's allied with you against the Netherbrain? Whoop-de-doo.

I'll probably think of more things that annoy me about the end game but this is what I have for the moment.

Last edited by corncobman; 22/09/23 06:41 AM.
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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
If only we could ask Omeluum for help.
"We desperately need a friendly mind flayer! If only there was a mind flayer around who owed me a pretty huge favor! And if only he were still in this city, just a few blocks away! And if only mind flayers like him were telepaths that could easily communicate with me from this distance because of the mind flayer larva that's eating my brain!"

This is another thing, like with
not being able to fix Karlach's engine even though you are given a very obvious signpost about how to do it and all the materials and personnel to do it are readily available
, where it's just baffling. Why would you go to all the trouble of orchestrating your plot to have an insoluble problem and then also go out of your way to put an obvious win-win solution literally right down the street? It's like if someone gave you the trolley problem but went out of their way to explain that the trolley's brakes are actually very effective and you could use them to stop the trolley from running over anyone, but they still only give you the two options where you run over people.

It's all the more frustrating because in most of their opportunities to make this mistake, they didn't! (Which isn't praise, because this should be an extremely easy mistake to not make.) In fact, they often did the opposite: allowing you to discover a win-win solution when it seemed like there wasn't one. (That is praise, because a game like this should reward player choice, player exploration, and build diversity.) In fact most of the companions seem built around just this exact narrative mechanism!
Shadowheart is bent on becoming a warrior monk for an evil god, Gale is committed to blowing himself up, Astarion is a prick who wants to become a turbo-vampire, Lae'zel is a xenophobic nationalist zealot obsessed with achieving something which will in fact be her doom, and Wyll is dead-set on killing Karlach. But better solutions can be found for all of them.
They involve some sacrifice, but you are allowed to find a better way by exploring the world around you and the world within your companions. But with
and not being able to ask Omeluum for help, the win-win solution is glaringly obviously signposted and seems to be telegraphed by the game itself, and yet you can't do it.

Last edited by jono11; 27/09/23 07:12 AM.
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Joined: Sep 2023
All this passion, hard work, time, dedication, sweat, tears and time lost laboring on this beautiful masterpiece only to just squat over all that sacrifice and work and defecate over the final moments with such a shallow and empty epilogue blows my mind. Why would they work so hard to in the end not finish the job??

I didn't think this was going to be game of the decade, or game of the year even. No.... I truly thought this was going to be arguably one of the best video games _ever_.

This f' game already sucked 150+ hours out of me, I'm not gonna let it get another hour of me rambling about how the lack of an appropriate epilogue essentially makes the "17,000" different endings is hyperbolic sales bull.s'

The epilogue is a few vague comments on your adventure, nothing unique to what is likely a very unique playthrough. Everything the first 4/5ths of the game has little impact on the ending and you get no closure on any of that stuff that led you to the end of your adventure.

You could skip 4/5ths of the game essentially and it wouldn't matter.

I work 12hrs a day, I got a family I actually enjoy being around, I got stuff to do and so much going on. I'm so angry at myself for wasting my very very very limited free time playing this game and waking up early or staying up late just to make time to finish this!


Final review:


Good game but a bit long and choices don't matter that much, but the illusion they do matter significantly is impressive and should be commended esp considering choices mostly don't matter except the last few hours worth of choices.

Decent story, but a bit convoluted and erratic the further you get in the game and the closer you get to its conclusion.

Unrelated to story, game play and game mechanics are fun IMHO.

Don't make the mistake I did, just push through and don't overthink your choices, they don't f' matter.

Last edited by omgitsMATT; 28/09/23 05:09 AM.
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Joined: Sep 2023
It could be nice to actually have a party with everybody at the end where you get to hang out and have fun. I'm thinking something like the party on the Citadel in Mass Effect 3 would be fun.

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