Originally Posted by Zenith
Originally Posted by DumbleDorf
Originally Posted by Zenith
Hard disagree. The evocation passives are plain busted. Removing friendly fire from your aoe spells and adding spell casting modifier make for extremely potent and efficient aoe damage, whereas sorcs and warlocks have to select less targets to affect with an aoe spell so as not to splash their martials, summons, and ally npcs.

Moreover, the sheer flexibility of Wizard courtesy of scrolls is crazy.
Originally Posted by Dark_Ansem
Originally Posted by LTC_Panders
The biggest downside to wizard is that there is very little reason to go several levels in Wizard. You only need 1 lvl to get access to every wizard spell in the game.

Specialisation bonuses

So basically 2 wizard / 10 sorc and you can also have all the flexibility, evocation specialization, metamagics, and just give up your level 6 spell slot?

Lol, vastly superior to pure Wizard.

But what flexibility do you even need when 90% of the spells are garbage? Wizards in 5e simply seem like a newbie trick, the flexibility seems great on paper until you realize it really isnt.

You can still only cast the same number of spells either way, and I haven't found any need for any of the 'utility spells', which you can also get most of on Druids anyway and the game gives you 2 druid companions.

People mentioning 'I've played wizard and its good', but have you actually compared it to a sorc's metamagics? Have you even seen what heightened holds do? Nullify all the mobs in most encounters and score auto crits? What utility would I need to ever have to give up heightened hold?

The lv10 Wizard passive is incredibly powerful as well. With its bonus my Ancient Strategem spell learned from the Ramazith tower scroll is doing upwards of 140+ damage with the clown gloves and that spell recharges on a short rest. Your lv10 cantrips with the wizard passive hit for 24-30+ damage. It also gives you a bonus on landing the secondary effects of the aoe spell.

Yea but 95% hold monster on Raphael and Spectators with heighten lulz.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

And then I noticed something funky going on with the restoration pools and sorcery points:

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

The evocation cantrip bonus at level 10 you mean? Theres an amulet that does the same thing.

Last edited by DumbleDorf; 26/08/23 05:31 AM.