Originally Posted by Tatoskok
Please reconsider the changes to Chest of Mundane. We don't have a bag of holding and it's a major pain to go back and forth to vendor to sell items after every other battle. Limiting carrying capacity without the (previous) Chest or a bag of holding to our character's strength, means we'll have to take a break to loot and sell armor and weapons after every other battle, which breaks the game flow. It was great that I could play for hours and then when I done playing, I could make a single trip to town to sell. Now, I'll have to make several trips to town (possibly multiple trips to carry gear from large battles with numerous enemies) after every battle or two.

The easy way to do this, is send it all to the camp. When you do go to sell, split off one party member, send them to camp, and switch back and forth. The character at camp, sends stuff to your seller (ideally, the one with the highest charisma or the best liked) to sell. Just go back and forth.

cool2 Eric the Grey