Joined: Aug 2023
If you actually read his criticisms instead of simply going straight to sarcastic remarks, he does have some good points, although OP, I think ranting a bit too much about racial changes that are very subjective.
As for your overall idea that Act 1 was extremely good, and the quality starts to drop after that, you're not alone, many people have noticed the issues. Act 1 was beyond excellent. I'm starting to realize that I actually hated Act 2, and I do not say that lightly. I think Act 2 makes for probably one of the worst sections of an RPG... almost everything about it was unsatisfying: the narrative, the reactivity, the exploration, the scope, the character development, the choices, the structure of activities, almost all of it. I agree with you, I really dislike Act 2 which isn't how I thought things were going to go after being told it was the meat of the game and at least 50 hours long, I feel some cut content played a role in this though, I believe Avernus was supposed to be visitable during Act 2 when you met with Raphael and Karlach was supposed to have more content during Act 2 as well. I believe there was also some stuff related to the creche and Orin as well that was cut. I can only hope they address this in the future, Act 1 is really enoyable I hope they can uplift the other acts to it's quality.
Last edited by Kamos174; 23/08/23 05:38 PM.
Joined: Jul 2023
Not to mention Sarevok and Viconia reappearing in the story! In Quality(!) RPG games where the players different choices make different endings to the certain characters (in this case Viconia and Sarevok) the good or simply toughtful story writes doesn't force a continuation over the players previous choices! But for this type of story writeing need at least a little talent, which is in here looks like have a hugh lack...! BTW my Sarevok in Throne of Bhaal had converted to Chaotic Good and went to Kara-Tur where never returned and my Viconia converted to Neutral Good and because was the lover of the M.C. died in the epilogue,
Regarding these two I am aware that in the 20 or so years that WoTC has been bastardizing the Canon of BG1 and 2 and picking and chosing what they want to be "canon" via their Minsc Adventure series. It would really have been nice to have a Witcher 3 style moment where we get to fill out some questions about what we as players did in BG1/2 or at least ToB or maybe just say what our CHARNAME was in those games. I hate how there is just this supposed Canon story for BG1 and 2 and the 90 or so years in between the game never tells us about.
Joined: Jan 2023
Just as you said, it would be great, and usually in quality RPG games that's the situation and the players have the chance to do that. Nowadays sadly all can hear nearly everywhere is "canon this, canon that...." but the truth is canon is just a choise what most (but not all!) player choosed.
In manyTelltale games (for example: The Walking Dead) after the actual act the game show how many player choosed this or that rout. But beyond that the players X% choosed this rout any only Y% choosed that rout mean what? Means nothing because that's the basics of all RPG to let the player to choose the way what he/she prefer.
Simply said the player's choises form the game and the game�s ending, and especially if the game (doesn't matter to computer or tabletop) had continuation the good and toughtful D.M. respect the players choises above all, because the RPG is the players�s and the D.M.�s "joint" game. And those who can�t respect even this very simple RPG fundamentals would be better to don�t make RPG games.
But again sadly nowadays many developers forgot or (in more bad case) don't care at all about this, and use the canon as a billy club or just simply hide behind the canon to force their own ideas. And why they do that: usually simply just for marketing.
Last edited by Zillak; 25/08/23 09:01 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2023
Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them Volley�d and thunder�d; Storm�d at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell Rode the six hundred. Alfred, Lord Tennyson https://poets.org/poem/charge-light-brigade
Joined: Jan 2023
I raise my hat again!  A clever (in many ways) and fitting well quote from a well read (according to your current and previous comments) player!  Thank you! "... Tonight we ride straight into the fire Are you ready to go go go We'll make our stand Don't give a damn This is our time to go from zero to hero ..." Zero to Hero - Star-Lord (written and performed by Steve Szczepkowski and Yohann Boudreault) https://marvels-guardians-of-the-galaxy.fandom.com/wiki/Zero_to_Hero
Joined: Dec 2022
OP I disagree because all of this is just subjective ranting.
You're not wrong. You're just fail to understand that's your opinion is highly subjective that everything you dislike is automatically "Fact!", those what Larian did is "Lazy writing".
I love Baldur's Gate 2 but stop putting this game on high pedestal when it's already outclassed by every modern iteration since Dragon Age Origins.
Baldur's Gate 3 has objectively surpassed BG2 in term of production value, reactivity and quest structure. AD&D has been surprassed by DnD 3.5/Pathfinder 1e. Even Bioware has created much better game with better written dialogue (structure wise) and much more memorable companion.
Put down the rose tinted glasses for once and see the game for what it is.
Baldur's Gate 2 will never, ever be remade. It lives in your head and heart - and let it rest there.
I leave it to you white mourning.
Joined: Sep 2022
OP I disagree because all of this is just subjective ranting.
You're not wrong. You're just fail to understand that's your opinion is highly subjective that everything you dislike is automatically "Fact!", those what Larian did is "Lazy writing".
I love Baldur's Gate 2 but stop putting this game on high pedestal when it's already outclassed by every modern iteration since Dragon Age Origins.
Baldur's Gate 3 has objectively surpassed BG2 in term of production value, reactivity and quest structure. AD&D has been surprassed by DnD 3.5/Pathfinder 1e. Even Bioware has created much better game with better written dialogue (structure wise) and much more memorable companion.
Put down the rose tinted glasses for once and see the game for what it is.
Baldur's Gate 2 will never, ever be remade. It lives in your head and heart - and let it rest there.
I leave it to you white mourning. Well it seems as time goes an overwhelming majority of people sorta like/dislikes Act 2 and dislikes Act 3, and really dislikes the ending so... There is a lot more truth than ranting on that front.
It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..
Joined: Sep 2022
As for BG2 and BG3...they are just so different. No point comparing. I play BG2 every year religiously. There are things in that game that you can do that would be impossible in BG3, or ANY modern game nowdays...(like having 18 standard companions, 6 party members, different strongholds for all classes, another couple dozen great modded companions tied in with the story, modded in 30 hours quests, even more friendships/romances...( and the same is true on the flip side. So lets enjoy both.
Last edited by Count Turnipsome; 26/08/23 01:43 PM.
It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..
Joined: Dec 2022
Well it seems as time goes an overwhelming majority of people sorta like/dislikes Act 2 and dislikes Act 3, and really dislikes the ending so... There is a lot more truth than ranting on that front. There isn't a vote or statistical data yet, so I wouldn't say there is "a lot more truth" just because some people who dislike it make a thread about it. In fact negative perception should make people quite encourage to report/create thread and as we can see, similar thread like this is not exactly common. Lastly, dislike and bad is two different thing and OP is trying to warped his subjectivity as generally accepted opinion, or better yet, fact. I am willing to dissect each and every quest available in Act 2 and 3 with Act 1 comparison and prove that it's no less entertaining than Act 1, in fact I'd say it's better than Act 1 which is somwhat more linear compared to Act 2 and 3 (3 is absolutely massive comparatively), here or on the thread you made.
Last edited by Dext. Paladin; 27/08/23 02:51 AM.
Volunteer Moderator
Volunteer Moderator
Joined: Feb 2022
I'd suggest we keep this thread to comparisons of BG1&2 vs BG3 and discuss how the different BG3 acts compare elsewhere. And on the former, everyone is of course entitled to their preferences and to express them. Clearly what folk prefer is going to depend on their own personal priorities and tastes, so there are no right or wrong answers. Most of us who have been on these forums for a while have probably already discussed this ad nauseum, but just for the record, again, as I don't think I've yet said it in this thread, I love all three games. And despite accepting that in many ways (though not all) BG2 is a better game than BG1, I think I have a bit more affection for BG1. And while I played both games when they released and have played them many times again over the years, for me DA:O is better than both of them, though again not in every way. (As a bit of an aside, given it's pure speculation as we don't know how old people are and can only guess from cultural references, I sometimes wonder if one reason I'm not so attached to BG1 & 2 is that I was a bit older than some forum members here when they came out: I was already in my mid 20s in 1998. I feel that sometimes the things that we love just when we're becoming adults stick with us most. Or perhaps I'm just projecting from the fact that's where a lot of my musical taste and fashion sense is stuck  ) BG3 for me still needs to settle - I've not even finished it once, and clearly it needs a lot of bug-fixing - but I do think that it could end up as my favourite game yet. And one of the things I love about it is how it calls back to BG1 & 2. For me, it's definitely a worthy successor.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Sep 2017
Bg2 is still the best bg/bio game. Bg3 is tainted by the dos nonsense. And, other bio games are harmed by their dumbing things down.
IF BG3 hopds up in ch2 and ch3 it might surpass bg1, though. MIGHT.
Joined: Oct 2020
Bg2 is still the best bg/bio game. Bg3 is tainted by the dos nonsense. And, other bio games are harmed by their dumbing things down.
IF BG3 hopds up in ch2 and ch3 it might surpass bg1, though. MIGHT. I agree that BG 3 isn't as good as it could be due to it's D:OS origins and completely unbalanced homebrew stuff. I never liked BG 2 though and never actually finished it, I much prefer BG 1 to it. But the best Infinity Engine game is definitely Planescape: Torment. Even after all these years, no game even comes close to it.
Volunteer Moderator
Volunteer Moderator
Joined: Feb 2022
But the best Infinity Engine game is definitely Planescape: Torment. Even after all these years, no game even comes close to it. PS:T is fantastic, but it's a very different beast from the BG games due to the limitations and advantages of having a protagonist with a very definite story. If I think of modern RPGs I'd compare PS:T to in feel and ambition, I'd be looking at something like Disco Elysium. Which I do think comes close and even is maybe better.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Sep 2017
Pst is very good, and fits its niche very well. But, bg2 is the entire package.
Joined: Dec 2022
Planescape Torment writing straight up making BG1 & BG2 downright amateur Job.
Joined: Jan 2018
Planescape Torment writing straight up making BG1 & BG2 downright amateur Job. Agree. Dungeons are great in BG2, and the overall plot is cool, but companion NPCs, dialogue choices, non-combat options, and so on are very rudimentary in BG1 and 2. Still love those games, but PST is on an entirely different level.
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Joined: Oct 2021
Planescape Torment writing straight up making BG1 & BG2 downright amateur Job. Agree. Dungeons are great in BG2, and the overall plot is cool, but companion NPCs, dialogue choices, non-combat options, and so on are very rudimentary in BG1 and 2. Still love those games, but PST is on an entirely different level. PST is hard-carried by its writing though. It has nothing else. Sure, it may have the best writing in an RPG ever, but that's the only reason anyone remembers it.
Remember the human (This is a forum for a video game):
Joined: Dec 2022
Planescape Torment writing straight up making BG1 & BG2 downright amateur Job. Agree. Dungeons are great in BG2, and the overall plot is cool, but companion NPCs, dialogue choices, non-combat options, and so on are very rudimentary in BG1 and 2. Still love those games, but PST is on an entirely different level. I think Planescape Torment and especially Disco Elysium has proven that Roleplaying Game mechanics, without dungeoneering can work in modern day setting. It can be incorporated in not-medieval setting. My main gripes with BG2 is how dialogue choices basically non-existent. If anybody ask me how could BioWare who once produced BG2/KOTOR ended up with ME3 or Anthem, I'd ask them to look for BG2, because the crack has been present since Day 1.
Joined: Jan 2018
Planescape Torment writing straight up making BG1 & BG2 downright amateur Job. Agree. Dungeons are great in BG2, and the overall plot is cool, but companion NPCs, dialogue choices, non-combat options, and so on are very rudimentary in BG1 and 2. Still love those games, but PST is on an entirely different level. PST is hard-carried by its writing though. It has nothing else. Sure, it may have the best writing in an RPG ever, but that's the only reason anyone remembers it. True, but it damn good writing. Planescape Torment writing straight up making BG1 & BG2 downright amateur Job. Agree. Dungeons are great in BG2, and the overall plot is cool, but companion NPCs, dialogue choices, non-combat options, and so on are very rudimentary in BG1 and 2. Still love those games, but PST is on an entirely different level. I think Planescape Torment and especially Disco Elysium has proven that Roleplaying Game mechanics, without dungeoneering can work in modern day setting. It can be incorporated in not-medieval setting. My main gripes with BG2 is how dialogue choices basically non-existent. If anybody ask me how could BioWare who once produced BG2/KOTOR ended up with ME3 or Anthem, I'd ask them to look for BG2, because the crack has been present since Day 1. Haha, don�t get me started on BioWare. I love BG1 and 2, but I think everything else BW has ever done isn�t worth playing. Just my unpopular opinion. DAOrigins, Mass Effect, NWN, KotoR, all of it.
Joined: Jan 2023
OP I disagree because all of this is just subjective ranting.
You're not wrong. You're just fail to understand that's your opinion is highly subjective that everything you dislike is automatically "Fact!", those what Larian did is "Lazy writing". Dear Dext. Paladin! You (and many others) sadly clearly missed the main point in my so called "subjective ranting"! Which point is: in my every adduced topics, I referring to the world's author's very own words. You know, somebody somewhere written down something (in this case the very authors of this fantasy world), because they imagined that thing the way as they did (and and nobody done that before). From that point he/she or even they are the "creators" and what they imagined and writed down about that is the fact and the very elemental basic about that. For example: J. R. R. Tolkien write it: Legolas is an elven fighter, with blue eyes blond hair, and using mainly his bow and his twin elven daggers. From this point this is the basics about Legolas and all of it's a fact (and not a subjective oppinion) because the author of him imagined him this way! So if anybody calling or portraying Legolas as a human thief, or an elven bard, or a dwarf fighter... etc.(anything but not exactly that as the author) is incorrect, wrong and a lie! The creators of this world written down clearly (and done that a little bit longer before than some studios had the idea to "create a crpg about them" to make money): -Mephistopheleses: traits, behaviours, attitude... etc. -The different elven subraces (among them the drows as well): general racial traits, ...etc. -The assimars: general racial traits, ...etc. -The Faerunian Gods: traits, behaviours, attitude... etc. -Minsc as a ranger and a Rashemen berserker (did you know where is his berserker ability in BG 3? because even as a ranger he had it in BG 1-2)...etc. ...etc. etc. etc. So every of this is written down as facts, not in some player hand book edition or in some game what the majority or the minority like it or not, but in the books where the authors firstly created this races, characters, ...etc. and it's traits behaviours ...etc.! The difference is: someones know this because they read that, and someones don't know this. And sadly those who don't know this, have the tendency to call that incorrections and lies to: "subjective", "insignificant", "unimportant" ...etc. just because the don't know it. Simple as it is! (some says: "ignorance is bliss!", I say: "ignorance is careless, and ignoring peoples sooner or later always pay the price of their own ignorance!") And BG 3 clearly doesn't surpassed BG 2 or BG 1 or NWN 2 or ID 1-2 or even Sword Coast Legends, because they games at least respected and don't tarnished those basics! The only thing what BG 3 is evidently could surpassed in this way is: that BG 3 is more Faerun incorrect game than NWN 1 ever was! (which is not a great trait) And Yes I call it sloppy and lazy writing, because if they can't respect or kept that simple basics as it is (which to do, doesn't need even fantasy or talent at all) that's alone is shame! Or if they do that intentionally that's even a bigger shame!