Originally Posted by Kamos174
CohhCarnage praise the game for being one of the best he's ever played but he did note that act 3 made the game feel unfinished and that the quality dropped significantly compared to act 1.

I'm hoping they'll address the missing content but realistically we shouldn't expect everything to be restored. I'm personally hoping for

Upper City
Ethel's Coven - We were told they were going to come for us yet they never did.
Better resolutions for Karlach
Minthara actually having content in act 3 and bug fixes for her if she's still bugged.
More companion dialogue restored for act 3
Consequences for using the tadpole

The Avernus claim is the one I�m most sceptical of. It�s one thing to dredge up recorded audio files for an epilogue or something, quite another to claim entire regions were just cut from the game. That would mean maps, assets, characters, quest lines, encounters, etc. If someone really has found all that, I want to see evidence of it, not just someone posting their claims on multiple forums. You might well be talking about restoring something that was never really developed in the first place.

I�m certainly not going to get my hopes up based on this list that keeps popping up everywhere.