I'm still in my first playthrough and currently in act 3. I became a bit confused, why no romances were developing and about a few other things. Now I learned that I probably missed a lot of cutscenes because I always tried to take a long rest only when I had to (no spellslots left). I tried to keep them to a minimum.
I'm actually a bit frustrated. The game tells you that you don't have a lot of time, so from the RP perspective I thought they cannot rest all the time. Also there are quests with ingame timers. As my first playthrough is with a good paladin, of course I want to save everyone, so I try to get everything done in time. Now I wonder how much I actually missed in terms of dialog options and cutscenes. Can't romance Gale as I wished

I got suspicious when I had the option to tell him that "we had the chance to get things further but now it's too late".
I wanted to do another playthrough, so it's not the end of the world, but with different companions etc, so no chance with Gale. I just whished there would have been some kind of information about this.
So I guess it's probably the best if you do a long rest after every quest you finish. Or do you have any recommendations?
(Please no spoilers, I haven't finished the story yet, thank you)