Originally Posted by Goruk
I also find it a little sexist that the idea is the female romances are written by males for males, if they are then the males that wrote them have no idea what everyone else wants, because it seems one of the biggest complaints is that they all lack depth and complexity, that they aren't a real relationship with back and forth and give and take and compromise which it seems like based on the myriad complaints about them, is what "males" actually want.

I'd argue all the romances in the game were NOT written by males.
Written like females would imagine/think on how male have and like their fantasies. If that makes sense. That how all the "romances" feel and evolve in this game. "Most single gamer guys will like that!" kind of mentality.
Its just all weird. It's rushed, its pushed, its sultry, there's no friendships...You go into the romance/sex tree or you don't. Nothing much in between...with VERY few exceptions.

Last edited by Count Turnipsome; 28/08/23 12:19 AM.

It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..