Originally Posted by MarcAbaddon
Originally Posted by DumbleDorf
Originally Posted by MarcAbaddon
I wouldn't count exploiting a bug to get infinite Sorcery Points as a valid argument to be honest.

After my 2nd playthrough I'd say that there are circumstances where a Wizard is relatively close to a Sorcerer, but the explanation is a bit spoilery.

One of the big strengths of a Sorcerer is being able to Quicken their spells to turn a bonus action into a 2nd spell cast (which BTW does not work like this is in PnP, but whatever).

If you get your Wizard the 'awakened' Buff from the Creche that allows you to use Illithid powers than that takes part of the gap due to Quicken away, since now the Wizard has very impactful options for the bonus action. Perilous Stakes is huge.

I believe Heightened and Twinned Spell still makes the Sorcerer better (especially Heightened, which is also not correctly implemented). But it narrows the gap a bit.

Or spend 100 gold to respec to INT for that, then another 100 gold to change back to Cha.

No, that has nothing to do with the skills checks to get it - the difference is that the Wizard has their bonus action free to use those powers. For Sorcerer the powers have to compete with Quickened Spells. Or stated differently, the Wizard benefits because without the powers he often has nothing very impactful he can do with his bonus action.

But as an aside, it is crazy that something as powerful as the awakened buff is hidden behind a series of difficult rolls when there was a lot of talk about the game having your back when failing rolls. That buff is absolutely massive, and you get *nothing* when you fail those checks. You might even get permanent stat penalties instead.

Ohhhhhh yea, you can't use quicken and an illithid power, with the upgrade, but then you don't use quicken every round so its still a bonus to have in my second playthrough.

But lawd, please fix freecast already so I can spam 4 twinned chain lightnings / disintegrates in one combat - even without the exploit all my level 1&2 spell slots are just sorcery point fodder now.

And with glorious haste spores so I don't have to waste a turn casting haste.

Last edited by DumbleDorf; 28/08/23 09:15 AM.