I personally think right now, a lot of the Negative articles / Strongly worded opposing opinion pieces / Trolls / complaining / ect... is just a direct slapback to the game's popularity and should almost just be accepted ( And to a certain extent ignored, players who love this game know already we won, we have this great game smile ) .

I'm still at act 1 but this game to me is a 9~10 out of 10 an worth every penny I paid. (It's not perfect, I could fill a forum of little changes I would like to see. But overall the game is great)

The game is top notch and I think, sale numbers, player count, most critic reviews, ect. already proves this and regardless of what doubters think Larian has made it's money & Fans (And then some) but all this good press creates a nice big happy elephant with a nice red target for the people above.

If BG3 was just a Meh game, 60%~70% game that made no splash and only a dedicated core of fans supported it. I bet 3/4 of these people wouldn't even bother commenting on it.

The popularity just leads to hack reviewers and "Game Journalists" to write negative review and so on, in order to capture the fringes who didn't like the game (Hey, they need representation too) and some might have a point here or there and if Larian listens some of those critiques it might help the game...

The only thing that slightly annoys me is, I think this leads to some circles to make a concerted effort to only bring Bg3 down to fit their own agenda. I mean, you didn't like, that's fine leave your 0 vote somewhere but I really think some people are just creating bots/fake accounts to spam 0's and that I think the game doesn't deserve. I think Metacritic is a prime example...