Originally Posted by chunsaira
Shove is overpowered non-sense, and is simply a dumb design choice on an otherwise brilliant game. I have seen multiple forums on this, and the fact it remains is just laughable. It really pulls me out of the game, watching my character fly over 30 ft (10 m) over a cliff when I should be nowhere near an instant kill zone. I know people will say, "Just shove the enemy", but that is not a good answer as you lose all the loot. Being a loot goblin is a valid major playstyle in games. Please reduce shove to 5 ft like it is in the TTRPG and make it a full-action like it is in 5e. This homebrew breaks not only the combat entirely, but feels bad to the player. This is a simple fix really, so please please please do it. q

I could have just been really lucky but I've only ran into 2 scenarios where shove screwed me over. First one made me laugh, if I can remember correctly my party was on fire and wanted to rush it. Jumped on a ledge that was trapped and shot my character off, it was, "this is what I get" kind of scenario.

Second one actually pissed me off, combat started abruptly, I haven't been save scumming so I just went with it, first round both my main character and my cleric got shoved into lava instantly. That was round one you are dead.

Yeah, so that's out of 71 hours still in act 1 and two areas still to finish, not bad.

Edit* oh btw I don't shove enemies off the edges either but I do have a really nice barb for dmg.

Last edited by fallenj; 29/08/23 06:37 AM.