Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
I've seen plenty of suggestions that shove should be an action instead of a bonus action, but having observed their scripts in detail... that honestly would not help anything, it would make fights even worse because turning shove into an action would just motivate them to only shove and do nothing else. In my opinion shove should just be usable if a player is stealthed, to kinda simulate pushing someone who's caught off-guard. There are plenty of abilities, spells and items which push people... shove simply has no place in combat due to it being such a dumb cheap one-shot feature which ruins fights and turns them into a parody of what they should be.
Changing Shove to be an action would at the very least help by removing the ability for enemies to Dash + Shove on the same turn. This would make it much less likely that enemies could actually reach the proper position to shove you off a cliff. It'd also make it easier for the player to avoid a situation where they're shoved off a cliff, because players would only have to be wary of enemies within 1-move's distance as opposed to 2-moves.

But yes, +1 for shove being an action and having a reduced distance. And/or players should be able to Grab A Ledge as a reaction if they're shoved off a cliff.