Originally Posted by Warlocke
I actually was going to post something similar. Being the best CRPG by total units sold is kind of like having the best math skills in a kindergarten classroom. XD

BG3 will absolutely do very well and pull in AAA numbers. Will it hit that upper tier AAA level? (I would say that is when you exceed 15 to 20 million units sold, depending on budget) I don’t expect so, but I also didn’t expect BG3 to be so warmly received as it already has been, so who can say.

It’s so weird, BG3 and Armored Core 6, two niche series of my childhood, coming back in a big bad way. So it turns out I really was just a hipster all along and liked the popular stuff before it was cool.
I’m thinking upper tier AAA is best case scenario but highly unlikely.

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