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Originally Posted by Sunriders Destin
I know Larian has illudid to these endings being the intentional ones they wanted but I can not, in good faith believe that

There is NO SHOT the team that wrote Act 1 and 2 is the same team that came up with the dogwater endings we got.

I also got this feeling, after such an emotional roleplaying of the character in act 1 and 2 and the final of the personal quest.
These stupid jokes, a dark screen and a strange scene with a discussion of the future, as if they are discussing not important decisions, but something banal, like what to buy for dinner.
Damn it makes me angry! Guy is the most important decision in your life! We're going on a new adventure with a new team, or we'll buy a house and stay with this city, or we'll go to amn to treat your sun-sickness and you can't even hug me! I'm ready to throw something in your face! (joke)

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There is definitely something wrong with this ending overall. Not only we did receive poor dialogues and 0 cutscenes afterward, but I also noticed some troubles with directing and the environment.
I have a feeling that they should change the whole scene after destroying an Elder Brain entirely.

As for Astarion... I just don't believe that this particular scene was written by Stephen Rooney. This guy is incredibly talented, and the quality of this "fully falling" part is kind of poor. Sorry, Larian. You can do better than this.
I feel devastated as if I was robbed of a decent ending of Astarion's romance. It made me so sad that I couldn't get this out of my mind and even started writing my own fanfiction, which I have never done before lol.

Thank you for bringing that topic up OP!

Last edited by galleg0s; 07/09/23 04:58 AM.
Joined: Aug 2023
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Tbh I feel like, what is the important part of a story for someone?
Is it all about stopping the Big Bad?
Or is it about the journey? The friendships you forged, the lessens you learned, maybe even about the friends you lost along the way.
Look at LotR, is this a story about destroying the Ring and Sauron? Or about Frodo sacrificing everything and himself? About Sam staying at his side no matter what? About Boromir redeeming himself by sacrificing himself. About Merry and Pipping growing above themselves and discovering how much more they can be, how much more they can do?

Some people would tell you its all about destroying the Ring. I would tell you its all about the people.
And I feel like at Larian there are quite a few people who would tell you its all about destroying the Brain while I find, in the end, the Brain is the most inconsequential thing about this story.
For me its all about the wonderful companions, what they've gained and lost along the way. How they have grown and changed and risen above themselves.
So, from the pov of Larian they gave us what was important. The big fight against the Brain and the satisfaction of defeating it.

While we feel like the most important thing is missing. To stay at the LotR analogy - the frikking last 6 chapters of The Return of the King. Tolkien gave us 6! chapters after Sauron was defeated.
Imagine LotR with out its last six chapters (And I will never forgive the movies for scraping The Scouring of the Shire).
And that is what we have. A little joke, a few lines. But nothing else. B/c the Brain is dead and that what it all was about.
I am not saying this pov is wrong. That is what a story is about for many people. But just as many don't care about the Big Bad. They care more about the people who stood against the Big Bad than the Big Bad itself.

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Originally Posted by yaslana
I want to add, that in addition to the tone deaf "ah no sun hot bye" joke (like why is Tav just standing there? I should be able to run after him) I find the final scene with him super disappointing.
No hugs, no kisses, no "fuck yeah we are both alive we are here damn yes"... Just "eh you still wanna? Huh cool, we are a good team anyway".
Look, I am okay with him loosing the sun as a price to be paid for real freedom (Tav just goes and finds someone who can cast Wish, make him alive and without the vampiric curse again. In my headcannon I am god and Astarion will have the sun back.)
But after those two emotional, tender, heartfelt scenes we had with him at his confession and his grave, I just expected more of this last scene. More emotion, more "you want me? you really want me even now?" more "i am so glad I have you" or something like that.
Compared to those other two scenes it fell so flat and I dont know how this is all we got with an outstanding VA like Neil and Rooney as his amazing writer. It feels tacked on. Last minute, eh just throw in three lines and that's good enough.
I don't know how the other romanced companions scene play out, but I don't expect them to be better frown
I really hope they re work those scenes or give us something beautiful in the epilogue.

This! 100% agree, it felt so weird that Astarion went from this highly emotional and emotive character to a blank canvas in this one scene, especially when you compare it to the ascended version (which i did watch on youtube to see how it plays out - cause I didn't feel like replaying 10s of hours just to see that - that's what new playthroughs are for).

Like snap, he has more emotion and sass if you talk to him during the Morphic Pool/Astral Prism sequences asking for last kiss than he does during that very last conversation post ending. What I expected to see is Tav leaping into his arms for a proper kiss(a'la what Ailyn and Isobel had once reunited at the very end of act 2), the goddamn animations for that are in the damn game's code!

And ye, on the topic of him
running away burning, sure, comic relief except it wasn't really funny? Minsc speaking about Boo beating the brain and scaring red dragons away into their home plane was funny and a comic relief, Astarion nearly burning to death and running away screaming wasn't really.

Last edited by Nicottia; 07/09/23 08:23 AM.
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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by yaslana
Tbh I feel like, what is the important part of a story for someone?
Is it all about stopping the Big Bad?
Or is it about the journey? The friendships you forged, the lessens you learned, maybe even about the friends you lost along the way.
Look at LotR, is this a story about destroying the Ring and Sauron? Or about Frodo sacrificing everything and himself? About Sam staying at his side no matter what? About Boromir redeeming himself by sacrificing himself. About Merry and Pipping growing above themselves and discovering how much more they can be, how much more they can do?

Some people would tell you its all about destroying the Ring. I would tell you its all about the people.
And I feel like at Larian there are quite a few people who would tell you its all about destroying the Brain while I find, in the end, the Brain is the most inconsequential thing about this story.
For me its all about the wonderful companions, what they've gained and lost along the way. How they have grown and changed and risen above themselves.
So, from the pov of Larian they gave us what was important. The big fight against the Brain and the satisfaction of defeating it.

While we feel like the most important thing is missing. To stay at the LotR analogy - the frikking last 6 chapters of The Return of the King. Tolkien gave us 6! chapters after Sauron was defeated.
Imagine LotR with out its last six chapters (And I will never forgive the movies for scraping The Scouring of the Shire).
And that is what we have. A little joke, a few lines. But nothing else. B/c the Brain is dead and that what it all was about.
I am not saying this pov is wrong. That is what a story is about for many people. But just as many don't care about the Big Bad. They care more about the people who stood against the Big Bad than the Big Bad itself.

One of my biggest issues with this game and its plot is that it suddenly derails into generic '' big bad '', it felt like they upped the stakes for no real reason and everyone that was built up until then took a backseat in act 3.
I also think this hurt characters like Wyll because of his storyline, if it had stayed on course his storyline with his dad would've been more relevant to the main plot instead it kinda just became a big whatever space alien invasion and not rly important anymore.
I really think this applies to all of the other characters too, my ending with Shadowheart was awful and felt like a total afterthought it felt like the entire ending was just about the brain too.

The only people who kinda got something really was Karlach stans, and that's because of how obsessed and loud they are.
Altho imo the scene also kinda just further cemented me not liking the character, it felt too cheesy and borderline immersion breaking it felt like it was written as fanservice for Twitter stans.
But at least it felt like an actual scene revolving around her rather than awkward camp cut with repeated dialogue and weird camera angles or just '' oh no the sun BYE! ''.

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Joined: Sep 2023
I agree with all of this. The first two act develop the characters like a novel, and Astarion's is deep and involving. I found it was more enveloping than even the main story line at times. The ending for him - and act 3 altogether from a character standpoint - is just insulting and lacks anything at It's like watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy and condensing the last movie into 10 minutes of depth. The running from the sun scene is just.....bad. Please, do something.

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Location: Wales
Joined: Sep 2023
Location: Wales
Same here. I was far more personally involved and immersed in the romance with Astarion, and the friendships with everyone else. Really the big bad wasn't something i gave any thought to other than 'kill it' it was a generic monster albeit rather well done, needing to be killed. The personal relationships, whether friendships or lovers were much much more important to me and were what kept me logging in. The supposed joke at Astarion at the end I took very personally, didn't find it the slightest bit amusing and immediatelyy wanted to protect my lover from this unecessary abuse (as I said in an earlier post I wanted to yeet the perpetrator into the harbor but the damn game wouldn't let me). I wanted to run after him, make sure he was safe, hug him - whatever. It was all such a let down really. Too quickly over. No satisfying ending, just a bad joke, 3 lines of dialogue that were pretty meaningless (that if you were unlucky and got a bug you didn't even get), credits roll. Very sad.

Last edited by Bethra; 08/09/23 07:55 PM.

# Justice for Astarion
Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
As others said here, I have a bit of an issue with the last LAST scene with Astarion - the one after he runs away from the sun, when you’re talking to him about your next adventure and all that.

THAT little monologue came across as childish for me. I mean, a morally grey and acid character who (in my play, got a redemption arc), just ends with a rather vanilla monologue about “we’re gonna have a lot of fun” was underwhelming and ooc. I do like the option you have to suggest you’ll be looking for a way to allow him being in the sun - it implies you’ll continue your journey, and that feels nice.

But I wish the dialogue there ended in a different tone. Perhaps tav mentioning you’ve defied the death gods and killed a devil (if you did), and defeated an elder brain overpowered by netherese magic, so you’d have to assume there’s a chance of making a vampire spawn be able to walk in the sun. Something a bit more poignant and a “witty” banter just to end the last few sentences. Something that kept Astarion’s personality more in character - even when he’s become a little “good”.

Now, for the other complaints about his ending, I disagree with people saying his ending is as bad as Karlach’s. It’s not. Not by a mile. Also, his entire questline is much richer, so you get to ‘enjoy the ride’ while you’re at it. And, if you chose the “good” ending, his redemption arch feels a bit sad but very rewarding. He himself says so, and it’s believable. I see no problems there.

Him running from the sun, though… I agree that, if you’re romancing him, it’s very, very strange that you wouldn’t go after him. Just goes against logic. That could’ve been done better.

BUT, if you do go after him, Karlach’s ending is affected too. There’s a big timing issue here. If you care for both of these characters, it creates a logistical problem right there. Maybe they could make Karlach’s ending before the sun affects him? That could solve that problem.

For me, personally this is going to become a huge issue, since I now play as (avatar) Karlach AND romance Astarion. I’m just waiting to see how it ends for them both as a couple, since Astarion runs away before Karlach has her ending - I’m expecting their ending to be the most horrible sad and unfulfilling of all origins combinations because of that… *sigh* lol

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Joined: Sep 2023
Just an idea:

Also: In D&D there are a few possibilities to CURE vampirisim. See here:

So I would add a opinion to answer like: "Let's go and look for a chance to heal you from vampirism!" The gods should be thankful to our hero if he/she saves the world ... the could grand a wish ... wink

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Joined: Sep 2023
There is a series of issues with the overall amazing Story/ Romance Astarion has. Mostly they begin at the end of Act 2 and all through Act 3 - SPOILERS FOR EVERYTHING - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Act 2 Issues:
- You will start seeing beyond the interactions with Raphael, the decline of reactivity. Its still great but it gets less and less throughout towards the end of Act 2.
- I would really think that the Necromancy of Thay would be more impactful in general but in particular in Act 2 it could have been expanded - I was surprised we had to wait until Act 3 to unlock it further

Act 3
- I have issues with the way the Cazador Quest was framed (I expected a large spy/ intrigue/ ball sort of plot and then perhaps the descent into the defiled temple at the end. Would have allowed alot more interaction, depth, and inside look at how the coven operates or how Cazador operates. Cazador was a bit of a letdown gameplay wise and just depth of this horrible villain we have seen enshadow Astarion's life.)
- The resolutions presented - Ascended, Not Ascended - it does feel like full vampire should be an option but I understand why not - it would per DnD lore have the same emotional outcome as the ascended route
- Romantically the forced turn or break up is still a bit frustrating but understandable lore wise
-Necromancy of Thay turns into a MacGuffin. Nice guys. Though the spell is great, there is zero impact on Astarion's development, story, or outcome from unlocking this. Its basically a more complex Easter egg. I really wish we had I don't know either looked into True Resurrection or ask the *famous Wizard that keeps visiting Gale* to arrange for us to get a wish spell or *Strong arm Raphael into a deal over killing him in his House of Hope*
- I feel like the Durge playthrough with Ascended is probably the most powerful, as is the Durge resist with Astarion - it honestly feels more fleshed out and complete with more tender moments and care/reactivity. I strongly suggest fans to create a Durge character for this reason for this romance.

Post Personal Quest towards Final Battle
- Reactivity came to a complete standstill for the Non Ascended Astarion. its actually a bit of a shame because his responses get limited and if you are a Durge and finish your quest well - thats it for reactivity. You *might* get more party banter if you switch around companions and run around the city (which I did actually to see what would trigger) and then thats it. It makes such a nuanced character very flat. Especially when we compare the more varied reactions coming from Ascended Astarion. Does Non Ascended just - stop being opinionated? Sassy? Honestly it feels like his personality just goes which is really frustrating considering how full circle it is for him to reject the cycle of abuse.
- Its interesting that they chose to have you click on characters after major quests and plots to see if there is a reaction. That's pretty much all you can do is randomly click on them at camp or in group to see if they react.
- I really expected a more emotive reaction to my Durge resisting in the end- and also the lack of reaction/ animation or cutscene from my love interest *When I die* - again narratively and emotionally missed opportunity.

Before and At the Final Battle
- Generally - there should have been a larger pre battle camp cutscene or reactivity from all your companions. One last night (again could have been a great opportunity to keep the relationship pieces going. I know Larian said they wanted to develop these relationships but that really came to an end in Act 3 very early).
- The High Hall scene could have also had more reactivity as well - including having the *Other companions who are not even in your group*. Where's the rest of the people I recruited? having beers at the elfsong as the world comes to an end? (Actually I could see that happening)
- Astarion specific - There could have been some really powerful cutscenes with him (or any romantic interest) in the final battle that allowed more impact emotionally

His Ending
- The platonic dock ending is a horrible and tone deaf joke for all the reasons outlined. I have no idea what they were thinking considering that this is a very relatable story for trauma survivors. Even if you Romance him and get this scene, to not allow you to comfort him in the shadows, or at least have reactions from companions that arent heartless - I again have no idea why this was written this way.

- The priority of who speaks at the dock scene desperately needs to be changed (or code created to weight who speaks based on flags) - it should go - Romance flag, party taken flag, then high approval flag, and then if the spaces for dialogue are left then whoever is left in the party
-Obviously there needs to be better epilogues in general - and a post ending celebration for the endings that its relevant for. This has been said ad nauseum

Astarion specific Ending - Romantic "Epilogue"- Very limited emotional impact, the dialogue seems very stiff in a way? Not a slag on Neil at all, I think its the writing. No kiss, no passion, no last night with romantic interest. Again this can tie very nicely with the party I mentioned earlier.
-The Durge ending where you decide to end things yourself - I have heard there's no reactivity to that because well either Ascended Astarion doesnt care (or theres no scene) or the Sunlight run off means he doesnt get to see that I suppose? Its awkward to say the least.

*Suggestion for an Actual Epilogue*
- Please reflect the actual player choices from the previous epilogue (which isnt one really, its just a separate ending if you look at it properly). This means either a 6 month reunion, ending cards, something. Would I love it to be cinematic? Sure! Can it be given the timeframe it takes for roll out? Probably not and thats fine.

As you can see I have some pretty strong opinions as a whole on this character and how things were handled. Overall Act 1 and Act 2 create a beautiful story and even the solid parts of Act 3 and the personal quest completion (that scene and voice acting at the end once you defeat Cazador! Brilliant). I think theres just some points that need to be expanded and filled in, and others that need an overhaul.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
I completely agree, the story up until the ending of his personal quest is so well done, but it's undermined by an ending/epilogue that falls flat. It almost backpedals him into a comic-relief or shallow character after all that. After conversations like
the one at his grave
I really feel like we should get more that shows the depth of the relationship that's formed. It makes it disappointing to even finish the game at this point if that's how it ends, to me. I really hope they'll hear us and do something about it... His story is honestly one of my favorites ever and it's a shame to not do this incredible character and story-arch justice with a satisfying, equally strong and fulfilling conclusion.

And you can't convince me that after everyone was so proud of him for not ascending they'd just let him run off like that without a single word. Much less Tav!

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Joined: Sep 2023
I think that this sums up my feelings very well too. I am actually stopping all playthroughs at the start of entering the Lower City Currently. This is because if I complete my Durge quest and Astarion's it feels like the emotional investment *ends* because reactivity *ends*. Not just for him, its surprisingly quiet in Act 3, when its literally the denouement and climax of the story. I should be getting yelled at by everyone at every moment, finding companions perhaps taking time to themselves. Anyways its a moot point
Im much more cynical about Larian listening to feedback than most folk, I will admit. Yes the patches are nice good will but the fact that these endings and Act 3 passed QA boggles my damn mind

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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Bellanouva
I think that this sums up my feelings very well too. I am actually stopping all playthroughs at the start of entering the Lower City Currently. This is because if I complete my Durge quest and Astarion's it feels like the emotional investment *ends* because reactivity *ends*. Not just for him, its surprisingly quiet in Act 3, when its literally the denouement and climax of the story. I should be getting yelled at by everyone at every moment, finding companions perhaps taking time to themselves. Anyways its a moot point
Im much more cynical about Larian listening to feedback than most folk, I will admit. Yes the patches are nice good will but the fact that these endings and Act 3 passed QA boggles my damn mind

Yes! It's so quiet after you complete their personal quests. I miss the amount of conversations that would happen at camp. There's just nothing now. There are so many scenes that I feel like should be getting at least some kind of a reaction, or like you said cut scenes discussing what to do or something. It's the big finale and it just kind of fizzles as far as the characters themselves go.

For instance it baffles me that after the scene with Haarlep you don't get any reaction from anyone in your party, much less Astarion. I know something can triggor later if you sleep with him, but to have no reaction afterward, after everything with his character's personal story? It doesn't seem in character.

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Joined: Sep 2023
Hmm there is an interaction with the Haarlep situation if your character vows their body to them...and Astarion is very touching in that moment. But no, if you dont do the vow, you dont get a follow up really.

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Joined: Sep 2023
Hot damn Bellanouva you hit every nail on the head. That was so well put and exactly why the end of the game felt so...empty.

Joined: Aug 2023
Joined: Aug 2023
Originally Posted by Bellanouva
There is a series of issues with the overall amazing Story/ Romance Astarion has. Mostly they begin at the end of Act 2 and all through Act 3 - SPOILERS FOR EVERYTHING - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Act 2 Issues:
- You will start seeing beyond the interactions with Raphael, the decline of reactivity. Its still great but it gets less and less throughout towards the end of Act 2.
- I would really think that the Necromancy of Thay would be more impactful in general but in particular in Act 2 it could have been expanded - I was surprised we had to wait until Act 3 to unlock it further

Act 3
- I have issues with the way the Cazador Quest was framed (I expected a large spy/ intrigue/ ball sort of plot and then perhaps the descent into the defiled temple at the end. Would have allowed alot more interaction, depth, and inside look at how the coven operates or how Cazador operates. Cazador was a bit of a letdown gameplay wise and just depth of this horrible villain we have seen enshadow Astarion's life.)
- The resolutions presented - Ascended, Not Ascended - it does feel like full vampire should be an option but I understand why not - it would per DnD lore have the same emotional outcome as the ascended route
- Romantically the forced turn or break up is still a bit frustrating but understandable lore wise
-Necromancy of Thay turns into a MacGuffin. Nice guys. Though the spell is great, there is zero impact on Astarion's development, story, or outcome from unlocking this. Its basically a more complex Easter egg. I really wish we had I don't know either looked into True Resurrection or ask the *famous Wizard that keeps visiting Gale* to arrange for us to get a wish spell or *Strong arm Raphael into a deal over killing him in his House of Hope*
- I feel like the Durge playthrough with Ascended is probably the most powerful, as is the Durge resist with Astarion - it honestly feels more fleshed out and complete with more tender moments and care/reactivity. I strongly suggest fans to create a Durge character for this reason for this romance.

Post Personal Quest towards Final Battle
- Reactivity came to a complete standstill for the Non Ascended Astarion. its actually a bit of a shame because his responses get limited and if you are a Durge and finish your quest well - thats it for reactivity. You *might* get more party banter if you switch around companions and run around the city (which I did actually to see what would trigger) and then thats it. It makes such a nuanced character very flat. Especially when we compare the more varied reactions coming from Ascended Astarion. Does Non Ascended just - stop being opinionated? Sassy? Honestly it feels like his personality just goes which is really frustrating considering how full circle it is for him to reject the cycle of abuse.
- Its interesting that they chose to have you click on characters after major quests and plots to see if there is a reaction. That's pretty much all you can do is randomly click on them at camp or in group to see if they react.
- I really expected a more emotive reaction to my Durge resisting in the end- and also the lack of reaction/ animation or cutscene from my love interest *When I die* - again narratively and emotionally missed opportunity.

Before and At the Final Battle
- Generally - there should have been a larger pre battle camp cutscene or reactivity from all your companions. One last night (again could have been a great opportunity to keep the relationship pieces going. I know Larian said they wanted to develop these relationships but that really came to an end in Act 3 very early).
- The High Hall scene could have also had more reactivity as well - including having the *Other companions who are not even in your group*. Where's the rest of the people I recruited? having beers at the elfsong as the world comes to an end? (Actually I could see that happening)
- Astarion specific - There could have been some really powerful cutscenes with him (or any romantic interest) in the final battle that allowed more impact emotionally

His Ending
- The platonic dock ending is a horrible and tone deaf joke for all the reasons outlined. I have no idea what they were thinking considering that this is a very relatable story for trauma survivors. Even if you Romance him and get this scene, to not allow you to comfort him in the shadows, or at least have reactions from companions that arent heartless - I again have no idea why this was written this way.

- The priority of who speaks at the dock scene desperately needs to be changed (or code created to weight who speaks based on flags) - it should go - Romance flag, party taken flag, then high approval flag, and then if the spaces for dialogue are left then whoever is left in the party
-Obviously there needs to be better epilogues in general - and a post ending celebration for the endings that its relevant for. This has been said ad nauseum

Astarion specific Ending - Romantic "Epilogue"- Very limited emotional impact, the dialogue seems very stiff in a way? Not a slag on Neil at all, I think its the writing. No kiss, no passion, no last night with romantic interest. Again this can tie very nicely with the party I mentioned earlier.
-The Durge ending where you decide to end things yourself - I have heard there's no reactivity to that because well either Ascended Astarion doesnt care (or theres no scene) or the Sunlight run off means he doesnt get to see that I suppose? Its awkward to say the least.

*Suggestion for an Actual Epilogue*
- Please reflect the actual player choices from the previous epilogue (which isnt one really, its just a separate ending if you look at it properly). This means either a 6 month reunion, ending cards, something. Would I love it to be cinematic? Sure! Can it be given the timeframe it takes for roll out? Probably not and thats fine.

As you can see I have some pretty strong opinions as a whole on this character and how things were handled. Overall Act 1 and Act 2 create a beautiful story and even the solid parts of Act 3 and the personal quest completion (that scene and voice acting at the end once you defeat Cazador! Brilliant). I think theres just some points that need to be expanded and filled in, and others that need an overhaul.

I agree on every point. Overall I think its clear that Act 3 needed more work. I understand why they decided to release early b/c otherwise I dont think they would have gotten the hype with Starfield releasing at the same time. I think it was a good move to go out early.
But they really need to polish up Act 3. And I am very sure that there were some major cuts simply b/c they could not finish it on a short notice and what we got in the end was something they had to piece together with whatever they had available.

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Joined: Sep 2023
100% agree, I really hate this ending too, serves Astarion no justice.

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Location: Finland
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Location: Finland
I feel the same. All of the companion storylines seemed to end short, but since I played romancing Astarion, here's my two cents:

1. The build-up in the Act 1 is BRILLIANT! I loved it! There were enough moments when you get to talk with him about what's going on and what he thinks. When the building blocks for this companionship were laid out, I thought that this is going to be marvelous - maybe the best romantic storyline I've got to play so far. It was difficult and hinted that some hard decisions might have to be made. His own storyline in the Act 3 is really well made and heartbreaking. Up untill the moment when I had to decide which path to take with him,
(whether to encourage him to ascend or not)
I was determined to make the only evil decision just to make him happy, and when I learned what was actually at stake,
(killing 7000 spawns instead of just Cazador and the siblings)
I thought it was actually great writing. Suddenly it felt a genuinely difficult decision. Can I make such a horrible decision for him? Should he? I tried both decisions and was impressed how deeply meaningful both of them felt. Bravo, I thought. My heart was racing and I was so, so invested in this.

2. And after that...? After that you are given a new chapter in Astarion's life. Either of the decisions leaves a mark in him and he has to go through something very serious and it takes time and it changes him and how he is in the relationship. It's realistic and feels important. I loved it. However, I felt that romanticly the other path was suddenly a deadend.
(If he ascends it's either his way or the highway)
It felt a bit... weird, maybe? That as a player I didn't deserve this. That I should have been able to affect him on this matter. But, in the end, I accepted that alright, maybe this is such an all-consuming turn in his life that this is how the story goes now. Personally I ended up continueing my playthrough with the other decision since I felt it made more good for him and the relationship. I actually even liked the idea that this would leave a horrible hindrance looming in the future.
(Him being affected by the sun once the tadpole was erased.)
Both of the storylines with him seemed to have something good and something sad and I loved it. I was really curious to see what comes next. How does things evolve now that he starts to go through all this and to reflect all that just happened?

3. And... nothing. During the rest of the game I kept anticipating this storyline to continue. I mean, it had just started a new chapter, and it was so really, really, oh-my-gosh really interesting! What's going to happen next? I kept playing the other storylines patiently waiting for something to trigger Astarion's storyline to continue. But it never did. I kept thinking that oh, that's weird, maybe I have to finish this quest or that quest, or maybe I have to have some long rests, or talk to him during the quests, and eventually I started to think that there must be a bug. The idea that the story just wasn't going to continue didn't seem even possible. I played dozens of hours more just wondering how long it takes before this continues.

4. And then comes the ending. I anticipated that we'll have a final gathering with the companions and I'd get to experience how their stories deepen before the final fight. I was wrong. So I ventured forth to fight the last battle thinking that at least then there must be a wonderful epilogue where all of these unfinished storylines would finally get to flourish. Enter the dock scene.
First I saw a cut scene telling that Astarion can stay in the sun. I was thinking that oh, that's unexpected and sudden, actually even a bit bummer that it resolves all on it's own, but on the other hand, I'm happy for him now, so great. Then I have another cut scene about someone else. Then a cut scene where Astarion starts to burn in the sun afterall, and he has to run to safety and someone makes a cheap joke on him. I felt... shocked. Like... what? WHAT!? Why was I first told that he is okay and then immediately told that he is not and why is it told like this and why is he laughed at and why can't I go after him!? Up untill that point I felt that all of the characters were treated with respect, but suddenly Astarion is just rediculed. Why? Instead they could have wrote that he starts to feel the sun and he has to go for now and have a quick conversation on how we are going to see eachother in a moment. Something emotional, like the scenes before had been.

After the dock I still expected some kind of epilogue (yeah, maybe I have a thick skull). Instead I got a cut scene with Astarion, where I could pick something like two lines of conversation. The whole conversation felt really off. Distant. Light-hearted. Nothing of a reflection of the previous storyline. Where was that redemption story, where the emotion and connection? It just wasn't there and then the credits started to roll. I felt so... empty. And baffled. I had to google to verify that I probably hadn't had any bugs, but that this is how it actually goes.

So when all is said and done I'm torn. Astarion's storyline started as one of the best romance stories I've ever seen in a game. I love it. It felt deeply meaningful and was the highlight of my playthrough. Untill it wasn't. During most of the Act 3 this storyline just didn't exist anymore and the ending was blunt. I hate how this turned out and can only wish some kind of re-writing.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Cheers and also Hopefully that means Larian will take the feedback but who knows?

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Exactly my thoughts, I think that logistically there is alot left on the cutting room floor (or hell the writers room floor even). I got the sense that they were making it work during Cazador's quest and it just made me really really sad as this should not be just a set piece but a serious focal point of the mechanizations of the city and its elite.

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