Honestly I do not mean to be rude but I do have to voice my frustrations with this whole launch not just the game itself. This game was being praised up and down as a true form return for gaming with the phrase we have not heard very often since like 2005, "Feature complete". However, this game is so far from complete it almost feels like another Cyberpunk 2077 launch, many many bugs hindering questlines from being finished, main companion quest lines with no resolution whatsoever, the whole ending regardless of what choices are made being the worst ending I have ever seen since the original launch of Mass Effect 3, zero consequences for using Tadpole powers despite it Literally being the main floccule point of the game... Furthermore, this game is being praised because of the quote "Honesty" Larian should be put right next to Blizzard, EA, and Bioware with the level of DISHONESTY that was present with the release of this game. The CEO of Larian clearly stated that the upper city would be fully explorable, if that was never the indented case then that should have been properly communicated because this is blatant fraud behavior. Honestly, Larian should issue refunds just like Cyberpunk 2077 then maybe just maybe us consumers can invest our hard earned money WHEN/IF the game is ever actually complete. As it stands now I have zero faith in this company, they are liars and I will never purchase one of their products again.
Good to hear someone advocating for integrity from gaming companies - so little of it these days from either companies or the fanboi's.
I'm enjoying the game and can appreciate the complexity involved, however 6 years for what is much half-baked content, well, that's a little embarrassing.
I'm in agreement that I wouldn't buy any further products from Larian at this point - see if you can persuade me otherwise.
An aside...the company that ultimately bears responsibility for the content of this game is Hasbro, one of the largest maker of children's toys and content in the world. Interesting they would approve the release of what is nothing more than bad soft porn that will be accessed by many underage players.